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Crappy Things About This Week

#1.  My composition & biology mid-term grades are going to kill all of the A’s I got in my other classes… 🙁

#2.  I miss my sweetie.  He’s always working or at play practice.  When he is home he wants to relax by playing computer games or by watching wrestling on TV.

#3.  Mitch didn’t get to come down to stay with me this weekend.  He broke three toes and dislocated his knee this week in a stair tumble.

#4.  I need some more “action“.  BADLY.

#5.  My mom called to tell me that my little brother broke his collar bone Friday night.

4 thoughts on “

  1. OUch, crap central.  Good luck on gettin’ some action, LOL!  And dito with the grades… I’m afraid one sucky class is going to ruin my grades :-P{v}:-P

  2. mine is worse.

  3. I don’t know who or what Mitch is in relation to you (don’t remember reading about him), and I wasn’t laughing AT him or anything, but boy oh boy those injuries and the way he got them sound just like something I would end up doing. The dangerous part about reading this log is that I was drinking soda (Mr. Pibb) at the same time, and I nearly choked on it when I read about poor poor Mitch. I hope he is feeling ok, and again, I wasn’t laughing at him (although I was indeed laughing), just the situation. 🙂

  4. I know, blau, you weren’t laughing AT him, you were laughing NEAR him … 😉

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