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For the sense of smell, almost more than any other, has the power to recall memories and it is a pity that we use it so little. – Rachel Carson

I went grocery shopping this morning, just picking up a few items to stash in my desk (bottled water, multi-vitamins, plastic utensils, fat free pudding) and a yogurt for breakfast. I had some spare time, so I meandered over to the fruit and veggie bins. The smell of the cantaloupe catapulted back to living with my grandparents as a young child. Sitting at the table with my grandpa, eating fresh cantaloupe from the garden, talking about whatever it is that six year old girls who worship their grandfathers discuss with them.

It was a cool memory and washed over me like the first up-to-the-shoulders dip in a swimming pool. I can not say whether it was oddly pleasant or bittersweet but only that it was. I thought of him and pushed away any bad thoughts or memories, focusing on that single moment of ripe, juicy, sticky, sweet snacking and chatting. The memory warmed and I felt myself smiling. Just a bit at the corners, barely noticeable to the produce clerk, but quite obvious to me.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Girl, I have missed you! Hope you are back to stay for a while.


  2. I like the swimming pool analogy, and the thought. Very nice writing. Good entry!

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