Posted on 10 Comments

Geez … another paper cranked out an hour before class.  I’m needlessly harvesting ulcers over a freshman compisition class, and I feel extreme guilt for not getting this done earlier in the week.  I’ve just ALWAYS been a procrastinator.  I can’t focus at night like I can under the pressure of a deadline.  The only problem is that with the pressure comes the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and the “Oh-my-God-I-can’t-do-this-fast-enough” sensations.

10 thoughts on “

  1. heh heh…been there!

  2. I do the same thing on projects that I don’t really care about(most all of them). If it’s something I want to to do though I usually get it done pretty quick. I’ve never got that feeling in the pit of my stomach though. I look at it this way: If it gets done good; if not Im getting another bad grade. LOL Reports and asignments where I’m gien too much time to do usualy don’t get done very well. I wait until that morning before school to do them or at about 10-12 at night. I hate projects and homework. If it was strictly class work I’d do a lot better.


  3. heheh  I always write my papers the night before they are due.. at about 1 or 2 in the morning.  I guess that’s when I do my best bullshitting!  🙂

  4. Ah, school days. 😛 I used to get up at three in the morning and write papers due that day or study for a test. I never did anything in advance.

    It’s amazing I graduated.

  5. I wonder about the relationship between pressure and obedience/authority. Would we be so compliant if it were not for the pressure? If we let the pressure build up, the only solution that remains on the board is to obey, to obediently spout back to people what they have spouted to us. Their stuff becomes the most immediately available resource, while only serious meditation, a refreshed state, can produce something true and original.

    If that is so, it seems to imply a great responsibility to get enough rest, to stop trying to cram enough rewards/liesure activities between the pains to make them fit into the frame called ‘productivity’. Each time we add a reward after the pain we ‘approve’ that pain, which is not elegant (although it is common human psychology: Sado-masochistic Complex).

    By the way, I can’t get your image in the upper left rectangle to come up (if you have one) even when I right-click and select ‘show image’ or whatever the English Windows 98 calls it (‘visa bild’ in Swedish).

     And a first perusal of your site did not show me any of your own art-work. Come and click on the link in reviews at my log, if you want to see some art by children. I mean, you may be a better artist before you know than after.

  6. I can sympathise.  I always put off til the last minute what I could have done two weeks before, and spend the entire time cursing myself for not having done it two weeks before and panicking that I will never get it finished.  My classmates were so organised, and I always felt like a wreck.

    Glad I’m not the only one!

  7. you know, I never was able to get that picture open.  the link never worked 🙁

  8. I do the same thing as you, but strangely enough, I work better right on the deadline, I suspect that may be the case with you too! 😉

  9. whoo hoo! i do the same, and i keep company with friends in similar situations so we bitch and moan about how painful it is and what progress we made over email as the night progresses. we curse and swear and go green with envy when one of our cohort actually manages to make it to bed before 3am….:-D

  10. Re-reading this and discovered that yogi has always had his head up his ass … hmmm … they say “hind”sight is always 20/20 … 😉

    (How’s that for “true”?)

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