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Drunken Discovery of the Week

I can handle nine shots of Tequila, four Jello shooters, three shots of Apple Pucker, two margaritas, a mudslide, and one and a half Smirnoffs Ice’s and still be dazzling and witty to no end.

I smell awful, and my tummy is kind of fickle, but damn it … I fucking rock.

18 thoughts on “

  1. I feel sick just reading that!

  2. girlie, u have now officially been adopted as a mcguire sister…mcguire girls can hold their licker 😀

    erika mcguire

  3. And if we do say so ourselves!  Hehehehehe

  4. Drinking makes a person forget that the damage done to oneself is damage done to the whole world.

    If one starts drinking, no doubt one was already diverted from having any but destructive significance.

    In your previous installment you said the social lepers should all get off your back. So you have spent too much time being a crutch for the hopeless. Maybe that is why you are so insignificant that you do not find fault with being impaired?

    It is not their fault that lepers cling to you; lepers can not hope to be called ‘responsible’. There was no call to tell *them* to let go. It was you that had to drop the burden, hopefully not in the middle of traffick.

  5. I think you need to share some of that al-kee-hall with yogi. In my own post-drunken state, all I can say is: ALCOHOL ROCKS!!!

  6. Ditto! You go girl!

  7. reminds me of me when i was younger…yes, you fucking rock! LMAO! 😉

    ~the blue in her eyes is only outweighed by the blue in her heart~ azure

  8. Damn, I’m impressed..time to go party!


  9. *ROFL*  Now the real question is, will you ever be able to take another shot of tequila?

  10. with those drinks i would be rocking too…into dizziness! 😉

  11. OMG… the mudslide alone would have wiped me out, LOL  😉

  12. lol omg..i was looking for some more swirly thoughts and i was reading the comments and about died when i read sarahpunkers…BWAHAHAHAH…discusting..bwahahaha…forgiveher swirley..she’s only 12 afterall, she has years to fuck up her life yet 😀

  13. She’ll probably do it.  It’s the more hard-core anti-badness people that usually end up doing all the things they protested earlier in life.  Like me!

    Oh…And I do believe you!  🙂  Been there, done that, got the puke-stained T-shirt.  I seem to recall saying “I’ll never do THAT again” the next morning…and doing it again anyway the next weekend.

    Oh those were the days…Just wish I could remember them…

  14. hehehe you musta been feelin pretty good….atleast til the next moring. 😀 Don’t worry bout yogi. From the posts I’ve seen he’s show himself to be condecending(yeah, probably spelled wrong, but oh-well) and pessimistic among other things. And yogi, no xanga isn’t being poisoned against you, you’re doin it yourself, by comments like the one you made here and other places.


  15. Thanks, Tain … I agree.
    See today’s post …

  16. I would have never made it through all the tequila!  The first 9 shots would have done me in. 😉

  17. Yo GO girl! *does a dance*

  18. wooo hoo i miss days when i could drink like that well maybe not that much i mean i am only 5’1

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