Posted on 16 Comments

Xanga Discovery of the Week

Wowsers … leave for a few days and you’re attacked on your own site … geez.  My last comment seems to have caused quite a stir.  Let me address a few things, okay?

First of all, leadcrow is amazingly funny and supportive.  She also seems to be one of the few people in Xanga who can appreciate a joke and doesn’t take life too seriously.

Thanks also to jermschmitt for sticking up for me …

As for the nay-sayers, I am 6’2″ and weigh 275 … I CAN and HAVE drank that much and it was over a period of 5 hours … so kiss my ass.

I didn’t make that post as a declaration of my insignificance to mankind, dear yogi … but thanks for the advice. I’ll keep in mind that I can never be as perfect as you, dear.  Surprised you can see me all the way down here on Earth … pity me … I am a mere mortal. 

Poor, poor SarahPunker … you have a lot of growing up to do, hon.  (Just between you and me, sweetie … learn how to spell insults before you hurl them.  They don’t have the same bite when you have to decipher them.)  By the way, you will be disgusted by many more things in your life and then will most likely do them all.  I hated boys at one time, could not stand the thought of defiling my body with premarital sex, thought liquor was pure evil and rock music would damn you to hell.  Now I get laid by my live-in boyfriend, jump in a my car blasting Godsmack and drive to the ABC store to get another dose of yogi’s self-depreciation fluid, preferably 80 proof and in a 1.75 ltr. size.

Thanks for letting me get all of that off my chest.

16 thoughts on “

  1. Excellent slings back at the self-righteous!

    It’s your body; you can do whatever you want to it. I, too, remember my younger days of wild drinking and debauchery and…er…I think I’ll shut up now. 😀

  2. LOL! What the heck is a 12 year old doing commenting on here anyway? I must say, I think the last time I drank mudslides, I got alcohol poisoning. That’s why I stick with Scotch! At least if I croak, I will be well preserved!

  3. liiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccckkkkkkkkk

  4. hehehe good post! I like your style. *G* I don’t drink m’self, but I know some people who’ve drank atleast that much. We got a bunch of high school alchoholics(does that look right to yall? *shrugs shoulders* oh well, I guess I’m about on the level of a twelve year old. hehehe) round here. well, until later…….

    Lab experiment gone wrong

  5. Been down that road slamin shots – case a night-

    Till one day I Stopped now I am so glad that I have a clear mind and dont wake up in the AM looking for the cat that took a dump in my mouth LOL 😉

    It is a daily battle to stay away but a fight worth fighting-

  6. LOL! Keep slingin’ em! We’ll be here to enjoy the tales…

  7. ka-psch! How do you spell a head-slap? You tell em’. I’ll drink to that.**glugg**

  8. That a girl! 😉

  9. These random thoughts occured to me in the shower last night (yes, but don’t take it that way. Most of my creativity is born in the shower. 🙂

    Act One

    *blippity bleep bleep, blippity bleep bleep*

    Yogi: Oh no! It’s the fun-o-meter! Someone is degrading humanity by having fun! They’re….they’re…their consuming…oh, I can’t say it….ALCOHOL! Sounds like a job for…


    (Yogi ducks inside a confessional, and comes out in a dark black leotard, with a cape and a big “YM”.)

    Yogi: Yes, the world really doesn’t deserve me, or my great intellect, or my ideals. But, I must fight against debauchery!

    End Act One

    Act Two

    (A very dazzling, witty, very DRUNK Swirling Thoughts is wowing others with her ability to hold her liquor. Unwittingly, she had invited the scrutiny of DA DA DA DUM YogiMan!)

    Swirling Thoughts: Another tequila, cutie! Did I tell you about the drivers in NC?

    Bartender: Here, take this tequila. You have done well, my apprentice.

    Swirling Thoughts: Umm…ok. Thanks.

    (In bursts Yogiman, in all of his dull, yet articulate, splendor.)

    Yogi: No! You don’t deserve me, mere mortal! However, I must try to steer you away from your evil ways! Even if I don’t know you and it’s really none of my business!

    (Swirling Thoughts merely glances at her Master, the Bartender. At a slight nod, she pulls out her Corona bottle. Yogi arms himself, and the two start battle. Under the watchful eyes of the Master, Swirling Thoughts quickly grinds, crushes, and blasts Yogi into oblivion. When he comes to…)

    Bartender: You have done well, Apprentice. Your fall into debauchery is complete. Now, take your Corona bottle and take an apprentice of your own…

    (Swirling Thoughts forces the Corona bottle into Yogi’s mouth, and soon Bartender Master, ST Master, and Apprentic Yogi skip away happily to the Imperial March.)

    Give in to the alcohol! Give in to the….DARKSIDE!

    The END

    Yes, welcome to the darkside, Swirling Thoughts. 🙂 Sorry it was so long, but like I said, the vision came to me and I had to share. 🙂


  10. *grins* Awesome, Meara…you really have talent, ever think of life as a comicbook editor? Hehe…you rock, girl.


  11. *Starts marchin along to the music with Swirlingthoughts as the leader* Hey this is fun!!!! Everybody join in. *G* Anybody got a rootbeer? hehehe *takes a shot of Mug rootbeer* WOOHOOOOO!!!! Party time! Hey, *looks around* isn’t this musci familiar? *pictures Dark Helmet and Yogurt battling it out using the Schwartz* MAY THE SCHWARTZ BE WIT YOU! HEHEHE The foam goes straight to your brain! HEHEHE I’m sorry. I’m in a appy mood right now. *G*


  12. Sorry, I meant to give these to you as well. *points to the e-props* *G*


  13. Meara … that was absolutely faboo! I laughed so hard I have tears … 😀

    Now, to truly do the Y-Man justice, you should make a post on your own site pointing to this page and stating for all to read that this is your humanitarian effort of the day. 😉

    Anyway … thank you so much!

  14. I’m glad you enjoyed it!


  15. ah yes, fabulous meara…however, will yogi man ressurect from an etheral grave and bring along with him an equally evile sidekick…sarapunker as…..TYPO GIRL!!!

    ***to be continued**

  16. *heartily laughs at good ol’ leadcrow*

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