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Baby Steps

If you consider the time table that I am normally working on when churning out a paper for my comp. class, I got this one done rather early.  I still have 45 minutes before I have to leave for school.  Woo-Hoo! 

Little by little I am kicking this procrastination thing in the ass.  You have to take baby steps before you learn to walk … *toddle toddle*

7 thoughts on “

  1. don’t fall and hold the table…  or something like that

  2. You sound like my daughter, Blythe.  [Xanga name NinjaClown]  She always waits until the very last minute to do her assignments.  🙂

  3. this actually has nothing to do with your post today, but i wanted to be sure you saw it.  i was reading the whole tirade about the drinking and i was completely shocked.  not that you drank- you rock!- but that people had the balls to criticize you like that in you own damn place.  i went and checked out yogi’s diary. (have you done that yet?)  i have never read such complete horsesh*t.  who is this guy?  it seems that he was secretly nominated the smartest person on earth and no one told me.  i was offended just reading what he wrote on his site and none of it was directed at me. 

    anyway, you just keep on like you’ve been doing and know that you have my support for what it’s worth.



  4. don’t fight procrastination, be ONE with procrastination! embrace your lazy side and become at peace with your lack of desire to do stupid assignments. it got me to where i am today: graduate school 😀

  5. That’s right! One day, one hour at a time. Getting re-organized is never ending.

  6. Procrastination Rawks!

    Yay for you!

  7. Tandis:
    Thank you for your words of encouragement! I read his little bullshit blog. I agree that he seems to think he is one some other plane of existance. If you have to be an asshole to be self-actualized, hand me another bottle of Cuervo and chalk my life up to “the girl had fun”. 😉

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