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Reasons Why I’m Warped

Flipping through stations looking for Christopher Lowell’s interior decorating show, I passed a music video with a young black girl dancing about in sparse clothing. This is not a new phenomona in television, to be greeted by a wriggling belly button and a hip hop beat. The thing that caught my attention wasn’t the nudity, but those abs … they were so firm and defined.

‘My God,’ I thought, ‘There are muscles in there? Have I ever had those to any degree?’

I lifted a boob to get a better look at my own belly. Nope. No sign of muscles here.

I tried to remember back to my childhood days, were there any muscles then? (I was skinny back then.) Nope. I don’t recall them there, either.

I guess that’s why I am an art student and no a pop diva. I’m built for pottery and painting and giving birth to ungrateful children. I’m not cut out for dancing and regurgitating trite lyrics.

Then it occured to me, ‘It that really a bad thing? Would I really want to do that?’

I chuckled an kept searching for Mr. Lowell and his “7 Steps of Decorating”. At least I’ll still have a career when I’m 40.

5 thoughts on “

  1. LOL.  Hey! You resemble me.  🙂

  2. AMEN! I get so sick of it all sometimes…but then I remember the fact that looks will go, but I’ll still be here. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder, though! And it’s nice to know that others feel the same way.


  3. I’m right there with you girl!

  4. On the nose!!!  You GO!

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