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Small Town Life
part 1

Carl Matthews

It’s about that time, lemme get over here so that I can get a better look.

Mrs. Mabley, do you wanna fill ‘er up today? Okie dokie, ma’am.

Oh, here we go, see the burgundy Camry? It’s a 91, a good year for a good car. Yep, that’s her – name is Brenda. Everyday she drives by here on her way to work. She’ll stop at the light and turn right on 11th Street. My God, you can look, but don’t LOOK. I don’t want her to know I’m watching.

That Brenda is a sweet gal. ‘Had a helluva life, too, lemme tell ya. She got left by her husband for this older woman that came into his nail salon all the time. She deserves better than a cheater. She’s a good, honest woman and a rare specimen around here. She keeps her oil changed and gets the car looked on a right regular basis. That’s the makings of good mother material there, I tell ya. Takes care of that car like it’s made of gold. Not many women like that in this town, I know better than most on that subject.

Last time Brenda was in here to get her oil checked I rang her up at the register. She accidentally gave me a five instead of a ten, an honest mistake. I didn’t want to embarrass her so after she left I took it out of my own pocket and paid it. She needs it worse than I do, she’s having to support herself since that good for nothin’ husband of hers ran off with that ol’ bat.

Yes, Mrs. Mabley, you have a good day, too, ma’am. Come see us again real soon!

Now, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, he ran off with that ol’ bat and Brenda had to take over the house payment and start supporting herself. You’d never know she had it rough though, she’s just as pleasant as can be.

Do I fancy her? Oh, Lord … do bees fancy the flowers? I got about as much chance of getting her attention as you do getting your inspection sticker without getting that turn signal fixed today. Well, maybe a little less of chance to tell the truth.

Pull that monstrosity on around here and we’ll get you squared away. Oh, and as for this Brenda nonsense, let’s keep that to ourselves, okay?

8 thoughts on “

  1. It’s good!  Looking forward to seeing part 2.

  2. We like!  Who’s your publisher?  🙂

  3. i really like it.



  4. Excellent beginning! You’re really capturing the flavor of small town life.

  5. You’ve got my attention…


  6. Wow, I like this. 🙂 What a good day on Xanga!

  7. Good Job baby-  Keep it up!  BTW- I am on Xanga now!  I saw how much fun you have on it, so….

    Hi Everybody!!

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