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Annoying Trick of the Day

Staple papers in the middle of the page.

(If you get any flack over this from your boss or teacher, do the following when they approach you: holding your stapler firmly in on hand, open your eyes up really wide, smile broadly and ask in your most cheery voice, “Is there a problem?”  This creeps people out and makes them wonder where the next staple is going.)

6 thoughts on “

  1. 😀 tee hee hee…i always do stuff like that…but then, i like it when ppl think i’m crazy! 😛

  2. I knew someone once who said she made a circle of paperclips on the floor in her office, and wouldn’t speak to anyone unless they stood in the circle.

  3. Hmmm … that’s a GREAT idea, Argyle!

    *jots this down for Monday*

  4. When I was in school I would staple a whole lot of extra blank pages to my reports to make it look like I wrote a book. I call it the weight factor. lol

  5. I like to page myself over the intercom.  “Helen Lastname.. Please report to lunch”.  Without changing my voice at all.  I do it a few times a year.

    I’d have to kill you over the staple thing.  😀

  6. i prefer oregami to staplers…

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