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Art of the Day

Richard Estes (b.1936)
Gordon’s Gin, 1968
Oil on board, 62.2 x 81.3 cm
Private collection

I am amazed at how much this looks like a photograph.  I’d saw off a boob to have that much talent!  I love the way that the whole thing really captures the look of the era.  Wowsers …

15 thoughts on “

  1. it’s faboooo….:-)

  2. It’s not a photograph? You could’ve fooled me! 😀 I like that, it holds the essence of the era so vividly. I wouldn’t mind having a copy hanging up on my wall…

  3. Oh gawd I need a drink right now!!!!!!!!!!

  4. here here wil…saw off a boob???

    that’s gonna be stuck in my head ALL day now..*snargle*

  5. I’m not sure I’d saw anything off, but I love the painting.  😉

  6.   🙂  i likes the pic…kinda retro

  7. ummmm…..SAW off?

    yikes. lets not get that drastic.

    its a great painting.

  8. alright girl, i KNOW wrestling is on..and i KNOW you’re not watching it so come yahoo me already!!!

  9. And who gets the severed boob?

  10. whoo hoo! photorealism – i am constantly amazed at how they achieved that all – wonderful!

  11. dont saw off your boobies. please. :giggles:

  12. *running to the liquor cabinet*

  13. Swear you wont saw your boob off….you may have a baby one day…and decide to booby feed  Not to mention, you would be lopsided  The pic is awesome!! ~Kimber

  14. “I’d saw off a boob…” is now my new saying…

  15. I was going to make a comment about the gin, but it seems that it would be lost in a sea of boob comments…

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