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Annoying Trick of the Day

Wander around the restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.

(This also works with the lemons from their tea.)

4 thoughts on “

  1. cool new banner honey…sorry i didn’t catch it before! love the new trick…i try them everyday!

  2. What’s cool too is if you walk around the restuarant and sip from people’s water glasses…they hate that.  Oh! Then what you do is go around to tables people have just left and pocket their tips!  God, the waiters HATE that!  (but the parsely thing is funny too)

  3. Oh brother… That IS an annoying one! HA!

    And yes! GREAT banner, hon!

    The Duchess

  4. ha!


    i think someones been following me around and writing these down.

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