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True Confession

Growing up with my grandparents, we always said a “blessing” before each meal.  I finally asked my grandma why we had this ritual.  She told me, “To make the food taste better.”

With this new understanding, there were several meals that I prayed multiple times, especially if grandma was cooking.  I found, however, that even when praying with every bite, cabbage never tasted very good.

18 thoughts on “

  1. Kinda like liver.  I prayed and prayed and it never got any better.  I did find that if you prayed NOT to have liver, it came to pass more and more often. 

  2. cabbage!!! *runs for cover*

  3. hmmm…does that work on… smelly feet?

  4. I’m surprised there aren’t prayers geared specifically to ward against bad cuisine.

  5. [deadpan] Thank you so much for reminding me of brussel sprouts.. [/deadpan]

  6. ha! i think you’ve got something here… not even God can make cabbage taste good…

  7. How, herbie, you want the hot and righteous breath of sebastt in your neck? You’ve got a point, though. If God cared enough about poor people, he would have made sure cabbage tasted a whole lot better.

    Swirling, this blog is a classic: short, simple, brilliant!

  8. cabbage only has two tasty incarnations…coleslaw & sauerkraut…

  9. heehee, I’m sorry that you had to eat cabbage.  I don’t prefer any of its incarnations…

  10. I’d rather eat a dirty shoe than my grandmother’s cooking. Too many Southern fruit-gelatin-aspic dishes.

    Terrible, I know, but true!

  11. i’ve never actually tasted  cooked cabbage.  i can’t get past the smell.  i’ve eaten it raw before in small amounts, in salads.  that wasn’t too bad.  i wonder why cooking vegtables makes them taste so bad?

  12. Grandma the trixster (good idea)

  13. I’ve heard nothing but nasty stuff about cabbage and it makes me NEVER want to try it! Thankfully, my father had just as finnicky tastebuds as I did (perhaps where I got them?) so my mother couldn’t force stuff like liver and cabbage down my throat.  But she did try feeding me brussel sprouts once.  This was during the height of the Cabbage Patch Kids (and around the time the microwave was widespread in homes).  Seeing my mother cook a bowl of brussel sprouts in the microwave scarred me for life!  Those poor mini-cabbage patch kids! She cooked them .. and ATE them! 

    (don’t you love how naieve kids are? *snicker*)

  14. I agree with azure_mariposa!

    The Duchess

  15. Perhaps you should’ve prayed out loud.  Grandma might have served takeout more often.

  16. ewww… cabbage *pulls yukky face*

  17. how awful. :big big huggles: bleugh

  18. Screw school! We need Swirly! Blog, Swirly, Blog!

    Just keedin’ .. get all smart and things so we can be even more in awe of your super-brain-blog powers!

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