Quick Update
My newest subscriber, PhotoPete, almost met his maker in the I95 McDonalds here in Lumberton. I sympathize with him for getting the snot scared out of him. Thank God I am moving from this little hell hole within the next three weeks. (Pete … These people scare the crap out of me, too! )
I had to make an emergency pit-stop at the therapist’s office today. My sleep is being severely disrupted by nightmares and I am having flashbacks during the day. This is, believe it or not, good news! I am finally stable enough mentally to start dealing with some of these things I’ve swept under the rug all these years. I up-ed my visits from one a week to two and I am starting group therapy, as well, for a somewhat related problem. Though things are getting kind of hairy right now, I know that they are getting better in the big picture.
A Word of Thanks
I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you that have read my ramblings and that have offered support. This forum has been wonderful for me. I can vent, rant, share … and I get the best thing of all – feedback. Your words of encouragement have been a great comfort and I am glad that we have been able to share some laughter along the way, too. Even if it is at the Evil Ex’s expense, right?
Awww … loves!
Aww…right back at ya, Swirly. Glad to hear that things are becoming managable.
You are more than welcome young lady. Your personality shines through your posts and they brighten up the shittiest day!
If things get glum, get off your bum and pray to the Lord, your Elvis.
Nyz xo
Thanks a many… Glad to be of “help”…