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The Caption Game
Part 3

Please leave your ideas for a caption for this picture in the comments section.  Feel free to submit as many as you can think of!  Have fun!

(Photo credit: Christian Schad, Dr. Haustein, 1928, Oil on canvas)
Click on image for a larger view.

I’ll tell you the REAL story behind the image tomorrow…

24 thoughts on “

  1. “and your little dog, too! hehehehehehehehe”

  2. And now that the operation to duplicate Prince Charles ears has been succesful, my plan can proceed.

  3. “Patient with abnormally large head visits doctor” or “Doctor tuning out yet another patient”.

  4. I don’t know.. But that is freaky.

  5. What are we going to do Doctor? The Alien is much bigger than us!

  6. “Just speeeaaakkk. Dooo aaaasss III tteeelll yyyooouu.”

  7. Post probe emotion…..

    Nyz xo

  8. “Tonight, on The Twilight Zone…”

  9. Impersonating Cosmo Kramer is not scaring this thing away…  time for plan B!  Now if only I could waggle my ears fast enough to take off…


    (okay, he looks nothing like Kramer, but the pose and dark hair reminds me of a tee-shirt with him on it…) 

  10. The Voices Only Say What I Tell Them.

  11. “They told us you were their leader.  They have taken us to you.  Now we want to know… How’s the coffee on this planet?  We’re tried of this instant shit.”

  12. this isn’t a caption, but why does he only have 2 fingers on his left hand?

  13. and you thought I was ugly

  14. in a thought bubble above the guy: “Man, she gets ugly when she throws a temper tantrum.”

  15. “Honey, have you seen my bobby pins?  My hair is falling outta the bun!”

    “No, dear … you’ll never find your bobby pins!  You’ll be forced to live with flat hair!  Ahhhh, yes … my evil plan is working out quite niceley now …”

  16. Okay, what is We_luv doing where their beers in here!!?

    I would have to say the picture should be called “Before the Abduction”.

    The Duchess

  17. “Maybe when they abduct me, they can give me the rest of my fingers back and shrink my ears.  You don’t know what agony is until you can hear every last damned word! “

  18. “time to be ross perot”

  19. Hello, I’m Judge David Souter and it’s time to disclose my evil plans to take over this planet. You will be absorbed.

  20. Dr. Haustein, the amazing shadow puppeteer, displays his ability to cast a shadow without appearing to move a muscle.

  21. I like Emily’s.

    >>in a thought bubble above the guy: “Man, she gets ugly when she throws a temper tantrum.”<<

  22. Sit down and stop pointing at the picture frame!”

  23. You can’t out-run your past, it’s always lurking somewhere nearby…

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