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Gray takes a turn at the wheel-

Howdy, as many of you may know, My name is Gray.  I am Swirlies Fiancee and though I do have my own xanga site (I have decided that I don’t post nearly enough to maintain the demands of bieng a xanganite), I felt the need to jump in here and say a few words.

Isn’t Swirlie great? She posts on here and believe me when I tell you all that she appreciates every single comment, and eprop.  Well, all except for Juliet-A who seems to have a giant stick shoved in her rectum, but ah hell, she loves MOST of them .  I want to thank the Xanga community for being her outlet and for the response you have given her.  We live in a very small town, one whose mean IQ is 74, and friends are a rare commodity.  Swirl And I have each other, and that is pretty much it.  I have Shane, who is a good freind, but Swirl has not been as fortunate. 

At any rate, I do want to mention a few things that she may not have told you about herself, for whatever reason.

  1. She is beautiful.  Hey, would I go out with her if not? (seems pompous, but its a joke I assure you.  She IS that beautiful)

  2. She likes wrestling.   She is just as much of a Mark as I am.  Don’t let her lie to you about it.

  3. She is stressed big time by moving. I am too. 

  4. She probably would rather talk to the wall than my mother.  She and my mom have had problems in the past and honestly, I have no clue how to help either of them.  But, as my therapist said- Who says I have to?  Baby, I love you, Tell her to shove it up her ass.

  5. She is VERY intelligent.  I love having an intellectual equal.  Believe me, knowing you are the smartest/dumbest in a pair sucks.  Having someone on your level is GREAT.

  6. She likes my music.  Specifically, she likes “lords of acid” (the song is spank my booty.  Go get THAT on napster!!!)

  7. She understands me when I yawn/talk. Nobody has ever been able to decipher that code. She is AWESOME!

  8. She has doubts about her religious upbringing. So do I.  No clear answers in life, but I am glad I have her to help me with finding out my direction.

  9. She is very patient. Except with Ice Cream.

  10. She takes things to heart. I got “numbed” by the Navy, to where I didn’t care about anything (save her) Thank goodness I have her to help me care again.

So there you have it.  10 things you probably did not know about Jennifer.  10 things I love her for, and 10 things you should too.

If anyone wants to email me about this, or have comments that you dont want swirly to see, email me at [email protected]. No, thats not a typo either   Until next time, take care-


12 thoughts on “

  1. Very cool.  Sounds like you have yourself a great guy!

  2. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call a man.

  3. That’s really cool. I agree with turnstyle, Swirly. 🙂

  4. a lucky couple to have found each other 🙂

  5. Awww! What sweetness! Koot, koot, koot …

  6. Well, swirly one, I’m impressed! You go and kiss him from me; I’m glad he is in your life. He sounds terrific; as indeed are you!

  7. If unbelievable envy was a crime, stick me on death row baby.

    Gray, you’re a bloody legend and Jenn, you’re the specialest (that’s the most special) person I’ve met on the net. (OOh the rhymes!!!)

    Nyz xo

  8. awww! you’re both so sweet!

  9. Awww! Your praise makes me blush… Now, where’s mah WO MAN!


  10. Way Cool of Gray to jump in and tell us some great things about Swirly:) We already knew that she was sweet and all that stuff…. but now we know so much more Thanks Gray ~Kimber

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