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Personal Update

I have felt like crap since getting to S&Ds house for our little house-sitting gig.  I think part of it was the bed and part of it was tension, thanks to finals/moving/numerous-pets/money-crunches. 

Last night my head hurt so badly that I was reduced to tears.  I couldn’t tolerate sound or light.  I went from really warm to really cold and back again.  It truly sucked.  I have had many less severe headaches like this, but most of them have been attributed to the fact that I grind my teeth at night something fierce and it makes my entire head hurt and my jaw pop the nest day.  (Anxiety is the cause.)

As a result of all of this, I have been posting a little here and there, but I not felt like doing any research.  Therefore, I have been really slack on my “Art of the Day”.  My apologies to mslady and all of the fans of that feature.  I am working on today’s and will make it really wonderful.  Okay?

Thanks for being so patient with me, even if I am a poopyhead.


8 thoughts on “

  1. Jenn:  This sounds suspiciously like a migraine, especially the “sensitivity to light and sound” part.  I get them and there are some good drugs out there that really help. Go see your Dr. if they persist.

    Ok, I’m off my mommy advice soapbox now.  😉

  2. Swirly, don’t worry about us…just take care of yourself, babe!

  3. listen to STP! she knows all! (i’m only half joking)

    as for moi, all i can do is offer you a hug… hope you get to feelin’ better.

  4. Herbie: you’re not only too cute to f@ck, you’re too sweet as well!

  5. Hahaha, I came in here to express my sympathies and I see that f@ck (fack?) comment! Funnies!

    But Swirly, I know what you mean about that teeth grinding thing. I used to do that all the friggin time. I would nash my teeth so hard that my neck muscles felt like they shrunk by several inches and the back of my head was glued to my back. Major, major ouch. I get ’em every once in a while still, but nearly as bad as before. Definately the anxiety has lifted some. Hope they go away for you soon …

  6. Don’t worry about us, Swirling. You take care of yourself and let your fiancée treat you like you were the queen of Sheba!

  7. hey, i KNEW you’ve been busy(all that snooping!) and under stress. i wasn’t in a hurry for anything

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