Guessing Game
Who is responsible for the following quotes? Here’s a hint: there is a different person for each quote. Leave your guesses in the comments section. Good luck!
(1) “If men had to have babies they would only ever have one each.”
(2) “If I didn’t start painting, I would have raised chickens.”
(3) “Preachers in pulpits talked about what a great message is in the book. No matter what you do, somebody always imputes meaning into your books.”
(4) “Everywhere I go I smell fresh paint.”
(5) “Don’t confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.”
(6) “To me, the whole process of being a brushstroke in someone else’s painting is a little difficult.”
(7) “If you can’t beat them, join them. If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.”
(8) “I don’t know anything about music. In my line you don’t have to.”
(9) “I wanted to make a kids’ film that would strengthen contemporary mythology.”
(10) “In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad idea.”
(1) Princess Di
(5) Erma Bombeck
The others – I’ve got no idea!
Nyz xo
I can say with certainty that #10 is Douglas Adams, although my memory refuses to be 100% sure of the book — maybe The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, on the very first page?
these are completely uneducated guesses:
1. that mom who gave birth to septuplets
2. jackson pollack
3. mark twain
4. employee at Glidden factory
5. kato kaelin
6. mona lisa
7. Dubya
8. any of the Backstreet Boys
9. george lucas
10. al sharpton
how’d i do!?!?
Of all of the answers given above, I see four right answers.
Damn – I was only sure of one, and Dreamseeker’s already got it!
Ummm…I say Jesus for all of them 🙂
I love those quotes and can’t wait to see who said them. The only one I knew was #10 – Douglas Adams.
10) is indeed Douglas Adams. Dreamseeker is correct on where it occurs as well.
9) I believe is George Lucas.
2) might be Grandma Moses?
Okay … so far the correct guesses were:
(1) Princess Di – Nyree
(2) Grandma Moses – litboiler
(5) Erma Bombeck – Nyree
(9) George Lucas – Herbie and litboiler
(10) Douglas Adams – DreamSeeker, pixelpusher and litboiler
Five down — five to go!
3 is Doc Seuss, right?
4…is….um..P. Diana of Wales
6 has to be Madonna
Now 7 and 8? No idea.
Oh wait… 7 is some comedian….. um…. errr….. no. No I don’t remember. Oh well.
8- Brit. Spears? ^^
I missed all of these…..oh well…… leftover ramen noodles are probably warmed up by now.
They already guessed.. I thought 2 was Andy Warhol but I dunno why.
Total Correct Guesses
(1) Princess Di – Nyree
(2) Grandma Moses – litboiler
(3) Dr. Suess – Wakariyasui
(4) Princess Di – Wakariyasui
(5) Erma Bombeck – Nyree
(6) Madonna – Wakariyasui
(7) ????
(8) ????
(9) George Lucas – Herbie and litboiler
(10) Douglas Adams – DreamSeeker, pixelpusher and litboiler
Only two left … who knows ’em?
the only one i knew was #2 grandma moses
and i googled the ones that were left
but i won’t tell…..
I’m completely hopeless at this. I haven’t a clue but am ready to have a go.
7) Joe Pesci
8) Burt Reynolds
How bad is it?
Damn, these are HARD!!!!!!! I think I’ll just CHEAT and see who gets #7 and #8!
The Duchess
I said number 7. Swirly, just so ya know, whoever you got that one from got it from me.
Have two more eprops.
1. Princess Di
2. Grandma Moses
3. Dr. Seuss
4. Princess Di
5. Erma Bombeck
6. Madonna
7. George Carlin
8. Elvis
9. George Lucas
10. Douglas Adams
Oh Elvis…I can’t believe I forgot about you…I shall swivel my hips for the next 12 hours as punishment. I promise to gain no sexual pleasure from it also.
Me thinks Sadzi might have used a search engine!
Big smacks!
Nyz xo
(7) George Carlin – Sadzi
(Tain says Carlin stole it from him!
(8) Elvis – Sadzi
Well played, all!