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True Confession

Swirly’s First Time … Part 2 of 2

Background Info
As I read Maizie’s blog Thursday morning, I was reminded of the first time I had sex with Jason, now the “Evil Ex”.  Part one can be found here.

Going To the Big House
We walked the four blocks down to the Liberty Police Station. I was mortified. I looked like I had been rode hard and hung out to dry. Oh wait …  We went in to talk to the police. Steve was in the lobby with the old couple. Jason left me there and went into a small room with Steve and an officer.

I got to sit outside in the lobby with the old folks while they stared holes through me and my matted hair. No reading material around, nothing to do … except avoid eye contact. I was so embarrassed and ashamed and what the hell was going on there, anyway?

Jason came wondering out of the back with a smug Steve and an overweight cop in a uniform that was bursting at the seams. Officer Humpty Dumpty told us that we were free to go and we gave Steve his car keys back. Steve left with the old couple, whom I later found out, were his parents.

Steve had reported the car stolen because they came by the bar, saw him and no car and demanded to know where it was. He panicked and said that we stole it. Humpty Dumpty was one of Steve’s friends and made it all seem real for the folks, but admitted that he didn’t really file a report and that we were never really in trouble. Not that it consoled my bladder at that point, though.

Leaving on a Jet Plane …
We were supposed to meet Ryan at a particular gas station in town so that he could pick me and take me back home from “our date”. We waited outside in the sun for at least half an hour after the designated time. Ryan was a no-show. Even though I had given him $20 to do this, he still was a no show. We went inside to wait. We started playing a video game, “Racing USA” or something to that effect, I think.

About ten minutes into the game, Ryan’s car whips in and out of the parking lot in one fluid motion. He drove off. My jaw dropped and I ran out into the parking lot yelling and waving madly. He drove away. I chased him for a block and lost sight. He was headed home.

I walked back crying my eyes out. This was all going horribly wrong. I was hot, dirty, “not-so-fresh” feeling, sweaty, tired and walking like John Wayne. Jason called one of his buddies, Mike, whom I had never met, and we got a ride to his friend Earl’s house to decided what to do.

More Travel For Our Heroes
Mike pulled up with his lowered black truck, bass vibrating the entire frame of the vehicle. We had to sit in the bed of the truck for the ten-minute drive to Earl’s place. Jason and I didn’t want to take a chance of being seen by his parent, so we lay down in the back of the truck and held onto each other for dear life.

Let me add here that Mike could not drive for shit. He was swerving all over the road, speeding like mad and slamming on brakes. The music was vibrating us and giving me a severe headache. Also, whenever Mike hit the brakes, our heads hit the top of the truck bed. I had several knots of my head by the time we got to Earl’s. Jason had one more knot on his head did I, however. The dumb ass had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to have sex while we were back there.

Upon our arrival at Earl’s, we called Ryan at his house to see if he would come back to pick me up. No answer. Jason decided to have Mike, DJ Slam-A-Lot, take me to Ryan’s house. Hopefully there we could find Ryan and get him to take me home to keep up the appearance of our date facade.

On The Road Again
Mike drove the twenty minutes to Ryan’s house. That seemed like the longest ride anywhere that I had ever experienced. I didn’t know anything about this guy other than the fact that he had nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon that drive nappy headed promiscuous teenagers around in the Base-Mobile. Neither of us spoke a word outside of my obligation to give him directions.

We neared Ryan’s house and there was no one to be found. Mike asked me what we should do.  I decided to go meet my punishment and to let this bloody horrible day be over with.  I told him to take me home.  His instructions were to drop me off and drive away as quickly as possible.

I struggled with my hair and tried to make myself somewhat presentable.  As soon as my house was in sight, I saw my step-dad on the front porch.  I almost told Mike to keep driving, but I knew I had to go home eventually.  I had him drop me off at the road.

To Add Insult To Injury
My parents asked what had happened to Ryan and his Buick.  Who was this guy that dropped me off and why did I look so horrible?
I sighed and walked past them.  I took a shower and came back out to get my sentence.  I was grounded for three months for not explaining anything.  I didn’t argue with them.  I still think it would have been worse if I told them the truth.

Where Are They Now?
After four year of dating, a year of co-habitation, and two years of marriage – I left Jason. He is living in Greensboro now with his new girlfriend. Their first time was not in a corn field and not nearly as brief as ours was, but he is still trying to get to the “point of satisfaction” with her.
Liberty still has Earl and Mike as inhabitants. They are still fairly close to where they were at the time of this story.  Mike even has the same truck.
Steve is in jail for rape and car theft.  His parents, the Old Couple, are still in Liberty and head up the real estate business there.  They rented Jason and I our apartment for our three years of co-occupancy.  I could never bring myself to find out if they remembered us as the “car thieves”.  As picky as they were about renting to people, I’m guessing that they didn’t.
Officer Humpty Dumpty was fired from the force for misconduct and had a brief stint as a fire fighter.  He now works in a furniture factory, in, you guessed it … Liberty.
Ryan is living in Greensboro now but is still a goober.

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True Confession

Swirly’s First Time … Part 1 of 2

Background Info
As I read Maizie’s blog Thursday morning, I was reminded of the first time I had sex with Jason, now the “Evil Ex”.

We started dating on October 23rd, 1992 at our high school Homecoming football game. We had known about each other for over a year, but we hadn’t met at that point. I went over and introduced myself to him. Sparks flew and an eight-year relationship started. We were nuts about each other and wanted things to be “special” so we decided to wait to have sex. This lasted almost a year. Hormones overrode morals and we had to do it.

Our parents hated that we were seeing each other. My mom thought Jason to be the scum of the earth and his mom and dad thought I was a little redneck girl and not nearly good enough for their perfect son. This just fueled our union more because we were like Romeo and Juliet. We had to be together now!

The Plan
We concocted a plan to meet in his hometown, Liberty, and decided to figure out the details of it if that much of it actually worked out. I pretended to get a date with one of my somewhat-friends, Ryan, and paid him twenty bucks to drive me to meet Jason. Jason told his parents that he was going to go riding his bike with his friend, Wesley. With alibis set and Ryan paid, things started smoothly on October 10th, 1993.

Getting There is Half the Fun
Ryan dropped me off in the Dollar Store parking lot where Jason was waiting. He said he would meet us back at the QuikChek at 5PM. We agreed and left on foot as Ryan pulled away.

Jason and I walked downtown to the sports bar where his friend Steve hung out. Steve wasn’t there, so we played three games of pool before he showed up. Steve finally came swaggering in through the door and Jason asked if we could borrow his car.  Steve said that it was fine as soon as we were back in an hour. Jason got the keys and we jumped into the vehicle and took off.

What?!? No Mint On My Pillow?
Out on the road, the adventure started. Neither of us had a driver’s license and the car was a stick shift, which neither of us knew how to drive. Jason was in the power seat though, and ran four stop signs before deciding to shift the gears. (Poor car …) He drove by a deserted cornfield and looked over at me sheepishly. “What do ya think?”

I was less than thrilled about screwing in a field that could produce a rather pissed off farmer at many minute, but I was not putting out in this borrowed car, either. Sure, the field appeared to be deserted and semi-private. On the other hand, it was dirt (!) and there were dead corn stalks everywhere. I was trying, as I did an awful lot at that point in life, to be easy to get along with. I looked about at my Romeo and said, “Sure.”

In Fields of Gold
Being the gentleman that he was, Jason took off his shirt and lay it on the ground underneath me. (Wow. Hawaiian covered dirt. What an upgrade!) I was bare except my bra, which I kept on in case we had to make a speedy escape. Jason was totally naked, except his socks. God only knows why he left them on.

Lest this turn into a Harlequin romance excerpt let me say three things:
(1) It was horribly brief. (Three strokes to be exact.)
(2) I was less than impressed and very disappointed in the whole thing.
(3) Jason always sweated a lot, regardless of the brevity of time. This was perhaps the worst sweating he ever did.

Jason asked if we could “do it again” and I said sure. I mean, I was sure that I had a whole three minutes to spare. He held out a little longer the following two times, but all I felt was pain and annoyance. I smelled cucumbers and my back was being scratched by the cornhusks underneath his Jimmy Buffet-esque shirt-make-shift-blanket.

I couldn’t understand the cucumber thing, until I saw a copperhead snake nearby. We panicked, threw our clothes on and jumped back into the car. I had dirt in my hair and Jason’s sweat all over my body. Jason had a huge smile. This made me even madder.

So Much For the Afterglow …
We drove back to the bar. Steve wasn’t there. We waited and waited but still no Steve. We went outside and sat on the car, looking out for his reappearance. A white Lincoln drove by with an older couple in it. The passenger’s window rolled down and they stopped. “Is that you car?”

“No,” Jason said calmly. “My friend let me borrow it. Why?”

“Because it’s been reported stolen at the police department. Perhaps you should go over there and straighten this out or turn yourself in.” The old couple drove off with huge frowns scrawled across their faces.

Well, you can imagine how freaked out I was. I was not supposed to be in this town, with this guy, having sex or driving, and now the car has been reported stolen. GREAT!

To be continued tomorrow …

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Art of the Day

Maurice Denis (1870 – 1943)
Portrait of Yvonne Lerolle, 1897
Oil on canvas, 166 x 78 cm.

My take: I love the monochromatic color scheme in this.  The vertical lines (in the folds of Yvonne’s dress, the trees, the three versions of her, etc.) add to the feel, too.  This is one of the few paintings that I have seen by Denis not based on mythology and that doesn’t showcase his evident love for pink and mint green.

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Guess who is moving …. again!?!  Good news or bad news first?

Good News
– We will be living not even a block from UNCP.
– No more $35/per semester parking pass.
– I CAN go home for lunch now.
– I get to trim off a 40-50 minute commute everyday.
– It’s a quiet environment, but I can party across the street at the dorms if I so desired.
– No more running back home to get something and being late for your next class.
– I can go home during class layovers and take a nap.
– Rent is only $373/ month.
– It’s a year lease.
– Privacy!  At last!

Bad News
– We’ll be house sitting for friends from 06/23 to 07/14.  Gray and my lease at the new apartment begins July 1st, so while we are house sitting, we will be moving as well.
– I re-pulled three back muscles and lost a month from work last time I moved.  I can’t do all of the lifting, etc. again this time.
– Most of our friends are in Grennsboro … too far to really come down and help us move.
– We’ll have to start paying rent.
– It’s a year lease.
– Going from 4100 sq. ft. to 800+ sq. ft.

FUNnot!  But it as you can see, the pros outweigh the cons.  Wish us both luck!

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Art of the Day

Egon Schiele (1890 – 1918)
Seated Woman with Bent Knee, 1917
Gouache, watercolor and black crayon on paper
46 x 30 cm., Narodni Galerie, Prague

click on image above for a larger view

History: This particular work was produced a year before Schiele’s premature death from influenza.  Sadly, he was just beginning to be recognized for his artwork at the time of his death.  Schiele’s subject show lots of nervous energy and he often used Freud’s beliefs of the “unconscious” in his work.

I like it because: The woman reminds me of my friend, Shelly, who has always loved dancing and seems to have great thoughts and truths hidden just beneath the surface of her light skin.  I also like the colors and the way the lines are used.

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True Confession

Growing up with my grandparents, we always said a “blessing” before each meal.  I finally asked my grandma why we had this ritual.  She told me, “To make the food taste better.”

With this new understanding, there were several meals that I prayed multiple times, especially if grandma was cooking.  I found, however, that even when praying with every bite, cabbage never tasted very good.

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Annoying Trick of the Day

Wear a LOT of cologne.  Marinate in perfume.

(This seems to be a great weight loss trick, too.  When I’ve tried this, I’ve found that it’s difficult to find anything to eat and if I do try, as soon as my wrist nears my nose I lose my appetite!)

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Art of the Day

Paula Rego
The Dance, 1988
Acrylic on paper laid on canvas
2126 mm x 2740 mm
The Tate Collections

(click on image for larger view)

Better known for her somewhat disturbing renditions of fairy tales and Disney characters, Rego’s work displays a strong psychological theme and plays off relationships between men, women and children.

This particular painting I find intriguing because it seems like a purgatory prom.  The dancers appear to be either a bit on edge or slowly lulling into a trance.  There is, of course, a woman dancing by herself, though this lady doesn’t don a lampshade and hasn’t started stripping or bumping and grinding yet. Perhaps in purgatory that seems a bit silly.