Posted on 37 Comments

The Caption Game
Part 4

Bloggers … you got a lot of splainin’ to do …
Please leave your ideas for a caption in the comments section.
Feel free to submit as many as you can think of!

37 thoughts on “

  1. reekeee! no internet? wah!

  2. mitch! stay away from the bananas!

  3.   Those are good …

  4. No Xanga for a week?!?!?

  5. I know, athynz … I almost dried up from withdrawl!

  6. “Where the hell are my legs?!!!”

    “It’s my Monica Lewinsky pose…..”

    Nyz xo

  7. “I’m out of Oreos!?!”

    “You’ve moved … again?!?”

  8. NOOOO! Little Ricky, put down the knife.

  9. “Why, Ethel!  You’re not a natural blonde?”

  10. “ME??  I’m the new Miss Lumbee?!?!?!??”

  11. Damn, CB … I almost peed reading that …

  12. (I saw you had just posted…wondered if you’d reply…  )

  13. That was great …   I am sooooooo glad that pageant is over!

  14. “Ricky… you and Fred what?!…”

  15. I don’t know if im allowed to say this here but hmm… *insert dildo comment here*

  16. *following Morbane’s lead* “Little Ricky!!  Put Mr. Buzzy back where you found him!!!”

  17. “Willy! How you’ve grown!”


    “Eeeeeek! Your hands are cold!”

  18. Ethel says:  “Lucy, I’m pregnant, and guess what?…Ricky’s the father!”

  19. “Sorry I forgot to take a Beano!”

  20. Fred! What are you doing wearing my underwear! Where’s Ricky?

  21. Don’t!, Stop!    Don’t!, Stop!  Don’t!, Stop!  Don’t-Stop! Don’t-Stop! DON’T-STOP!!! 

  22. Or in the words of Jim Croce….. “Oh my god, how do you stop this thing!?!”

  23. There’s too many good ones here, I can’t compete! 

  24. “I CAN’T be pregnant, Dr…..after all, we sleep in those separate twin beds!”

  25. Fig.1: Beneath Lucy’s dress, Ricky demonstrates how to roll R’s, Cuban style.

  26. LMAO @ ralf……..hehehe


    Okay so I’m a sicko

  27. You got circumcised???!!!!!

  28. ROFLMAO I AM smiling non-stop at these responses! I can’t even think of a good one!

  29. Ricky! Put your clothes back on! We’ve got guests in the other room.

    Oh no, Ethyl! Hide the little cuban boy!

    Get that lizard out of my dress!

    HEHEHE There’s more, but I’ll stop there.


  30. “What the HELL did I just sit on?”

    The Duchess

  31. rofl!!! but that lumbee one is the best!

    you know, we are a bunch of pervs

  32. Oh my GOD! Ok, you said you were like a small child “down there”, but 52 cm and 3950 kilograms?

  33. I can’t be as dirty as ya’ll.  So I’ll leave it with this:

    “My eProps have been stolen?!  WAAAAAAAAAH!!!”

  34. “Ethel! I thought you were straight!”

  35. “I’m melting….I’m melting……”

  36. Ricky! Pull those back up, we have company!

    (lol, I just scrolled up and found one kinda like that, so I’ll add a few more…)

    Fred, I’m a married woman!

    Ricky, stop stabbing Ethel! We were only experimenting!

    Little Ricky, get away from that open window!

    Beep, ’tis all. Much … Blessed be!!!

  37. she’s just showing us all how wide she had to open her mouth to fit it all in….

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