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Quick Update

Gray and I are almost done moving.  This has been a HUGE ordeal, but it is almost over.  The new apartment is FABOO and I am really close to school.  I do not have my phone/internet connected yet.

I’ll be back soon … I have 123 emails waiting …

8 thoughts on “

  1. almost over! hate to move!! ever notice there is always stuff left over? and it goes into the storeroom with the stuff left from the last move!

  2. I’m tossing it.  I have everything that I need in the apartment now … the rest can go to the curb or in the yard sale.  I’m sick of junk.

  3. good friggin’ luck with those e-mails…

  4. I’ll be waitin’

  5. Man, I feel for ya, girl.  I was standing in the garage yesterday afternoon (looking for the offensive smell that’s been seeping into the house) and I realized just how junky I really am.  I’ve got crap saved from middle school and high school in boxes that I’ve moved umpteen times with.  I mean, we’re not talking like decent memorabilia here.  We’re talking about the sheet of notebook paper I colored with highlighters and a black magic marker to make my own NIN black light “poster” at age 12.  Of course, I could never sell that.  Who the hell would want a crusty sheet of paper with badly drawn highlighter art?

    Good luck with the emails.. man, 123?!

  6. driving by to say hi!

  7. Congrats on your new pad!

  8. Damn! You’re a popular gal!

    The Duchess

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