School Daze
The Schedule – The Unveiling
ART 132 – Intro to Drawing MWF 0800-0950
HST 115 – World Civ since 1500 MF 1000-1115
ART 101 – Elements of Design MWF 1230-1420
THE 250 – Intro to Theatre TR¹ 0930-1045
Above, you will see my schedule. Work study is still an unknown variable at this time.
¹R = Thursday
So far so good. I am really enjoying my classes and, as usual, there are plenty of unusual students to keep these interesting.
Also, I found out that I will be assisting the Art Dept. secretary for my work study duties. Did I mention that this guy will be my supervisor? And that he is also the nude model for the drawing class I have? Yup. I will be drawing my supervisors winky for a grade.
Why do these things happen to me?
That’s hysterical!
Could be black mail. . .
yes, jenn,only you!
LMAO! omg…that’s too ironic!
hey, you’re back. and funny too. can you post the winkys? that would be ewwwsome.
Well I’m heading back to school as well. It’s been three years. I feel entirely awkward in this situation. Like I’m in a freaky dream or something.
I think for your sake as a good student and assistant that you should, uhhh…., artistically exaggerate the winky in question.
You could always do a striptease and make his winky stand tall and proud. (Oh my god that’s disgusting Nyree!)
Nyz xo
with my artistic skills…..I’d be sunk. How do you draw a winky on a stick figure?
LOL…might I suggest a fig leaf? Classic, usually the type of spot I get myself into. Nice to know there are more Calamity Janes out there!
You’ll be fine. Just…embellish.
You could always try gender neutral as an artistic statement?
*snort* Yeah right!!!
LOL! When I took life drawing I discovered that you are too focused on trying to get things like perpective correct to notice things like a guys winky. It may sound cliche, but it ends up just being work.
You are a lucky lady.
LMAO What horror! How can you have a normal conversation with your supervisor if you’ve seen his winky??
SUPERVISOR: So, Swirling, what did you think of class last night?
SWIRLING: Well, it wasn’t as long as I’d thought it would be.
SWIRLING: Uh, I mean, uh, time went by fast.
oh my… 4 classes? wow… I’m so jealous… Last semester I had 17… wow… even more jealous…