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School Daze
Nakedness Abounds

I was a bit worried, as I stated in the previous post, because I had heard that my supervisor, Jimmy, was the nude model for the drawing class.  I have found out since that he is not going to be the model this semester.  The department has instead placed an ad in the Wednesday and Sunday papers in the Lumberton and Fayetteville area for a model.  Twenty bucks and hour to strip for college students.  You get a few portraits out of the deal and are immortalized in conte crayon and graphite.  Not a bad deal if ya ask me.

From some of the antics that I have seen here thus far this year, lots of money and effort could have been saved in this endeavor, though.  I think more applicants could have been found by their posting flyers around campus.  There are several individuals who are already half naked and seem to be more than willing to shed the rest of their clothing.  There are several of my fellow art students that I am certain that would gladly climb into the center of a classroom and disrobe.  As I mentioned above, they would be drawn by ten to twenty students.  In their favor, they would get to advertise their “goods” and they would get free advertisement with their naked ass posted all over the building.

I also thought, however, that perhaps my first week on the job is a bit soon to let this side of my cynicism show.  I thought I could toss the idea out here on Xanga first, though.   Enjoy. 

16 thoughts on “

  1. I almost posed nude once, back when I had a body that someone wouldn’t mind looking at! But, when it came down to it, I just couldn’t!

  2. I’m sure some stud muffins would like the free marketing…but I just don’t know that I could bring myself to draw them.  Might come out more like an abstract Elephant Man.

  3. sounds about right to me…i’m sure there are plenty of young’uns around that are willing to “show off their goods” LOL

  4. I was just remarking on a comment she left on photopete’s site and thought that to post the message would be faster than to email it,oh ya, for 20 pound an hour i would

  5. Hey Swirlmeister!

    The comment above is just one of many back and forth comments between this person and I. I was told to keep my opinions to myself which – as a Nyree Style fan – you would know, is the number one way to get your ass kicked. Instead of getting uppity, I explained – without saying fuck once – that it was my opinion and that if he didn’t agree then I was surely wrong and that I would throw myself, a mere mortal, at his Irish potato loving feet.

    As for your nude modelling idea, I believe that flyers around campus would be ideal. Not only would you get the weirdos who love having their asses and other assorted instruments hanging out, but you’d get the drug crowd – those who need that extra $20 to score. It could lead to some interesting textures and rashes to draw. You could probably do with some track-drawing practice before the class started, but it’s all about artistic interpretation and I’m sure you’d manage! Disclaimer: Drugs are bad mmmkay!

    Assorted ramblings over and out.

    From the Quizmaster…

    Nyz xo

  6. I couldn’t do it…. I’d send ’em all screaming into the wilds.

  7. I’m not even a fan of disrobing in front of boyfriends (not that I’ve had one in recent history that I have disrobed for, but still..).  No way in the world would I take it off for a room full of strangers, I don’t care what they’d pay me.

  8. Awww, c’mon…college students degrading themselves for $$…never!  We’ve raised a finer generation…ooops, sorry…temporarily invaded my the evil spirit of my granny!


  9. 20 dollars! That’s it??

  10. I must admit, I did this for a time when I was young and desperate for money. It was not bad, but it was hard to sit perfectly still for so long. After awhile you get used to being naked and it does not feel so weird.

  11. c’mon, folks, we all xanga in the nude, right? um…RIGHT? geez, it’s cold in here… 😉

  12. I think that they should very pointedly choose people who do not conform to the media’s idea of physical beauty.  It would require more of the students.

  13. I’ve also heard that in some places they prefer to have nude models with fuller bodies, because like Juliet_A said, it gives students more challenge. Besides, artists see beauty in many things and if they can transfer a beauty of a full body on canvas, they are truly talented. Let’s leave the perfect bodies and expectations of media to the fashion industry for now.

  14. I say go for it 🙂 I mean hey, won’t you want to admire your youthful form and remember just how cute you were once you hit eighty? Unless you’re a real wreck already, in which I say spare the eyes of the artists *grins* Nah, go for it. If not now, when? Then again, why?


  15. Actually, I think it is a very good idea. Will you volunteer?

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