The New Semester Begins
Back in school and in the computer lab. Here is the schedule for this semester:
ART 140 – Intro to Printmaking – TR 1100-1345
ART 230 – Intro to Comp Graphics – TR 0800-1045
ART 427 – Native American Art History – MF 1000-1115
PHS 110 – Physical Science I – MWF 1330-1420
PSY 360 – Abnormal Psychology – MWF 1130-1220
M=Monday T=Tuesday W=Wednesday R=Thursday F=Friday
All times are military hours, civilian minutes.
I’m also doing work study again, but I’m babysitting the Art dept’s Mac lab instead of playing gopher for the Art dept secretary – a much needed promotion.
I have decided NOT to work on the school newspaper due to the Mickey Mouse politics of the editor and the pissy pay that I got last time. The position required almost 30 hours per month but only pays $200 per smester. I can get more out of my time if I devote those hours to homework, art projects or cleaning the house.
I will also try my best to actually WRITE in this blog, too. Any requests?
Hey Swirly. Haven’t talked to you in a while. Glad ya got a better job this sumester. Hope everything’s goin aight. If you need some help you in abnormal psycology, I’m definately abnormal, so I’m an expert.
I’ll talk to ya later.
My request is just that you WRITE! I’ve missed you, your thoughts, and your witty reparte!
Just be your self.
yeah! pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
i misses ya
Glad everything is going good with you:o) One funny thing about your post.. your schedule.. it says military hours, civilian minutes.. why not just say “military time”??? there isnt any civilian minutes as far as I know.. the military time uses minutes.. they are the same.. LMAO Kimber
I was told that “military minutes” was when the hour was based on increments of 100 and not 60. My previous employer’s time clock was set up that way. Hmmmm …