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Ways To Kill Time Online

Celticbookwurm did this a few days ago. You go to Google and type in your name followed by the word is, in quotes: “Jennifer is” in this example. You then look through the findings for interesting things. I found the following …

Jennifer is multilingual and can assist buyers from Germany and French speaking countries with ease. (I wish.)

Jennifer is actually more strange to me than Love. (How true.)

Jennifer is a superstar singer, actress and performer. (Why, thank you!)

Jennifer is the best part of NBC’s Must See TV Thursdays. (My hubby thinks I’m a hit!)

Jennifer is one of the newest professional fitness competitors of 1999. (Only when the competition is buttered-potato-eating.)

Jennifer is as talented as she is beautiful. (Well, I can’t argue with that.)

Jennifer is waaaaaaaaay out of my league. (But you can still try.)

Jennifer is seriously ill. (Mentally, yes … I fear that I am.)

Jennifer is perfect just the way she is, she does not need to be
fixed or healed, she is not broken or ill, she is a Dwarf! (Actually I am quite tall … 6’2″)

Jennifer is so inspiring and positive. (How much am I paying you to say these things?)

Jennifer is unable to answer individual questions about romance writing due to deadline pressure. (But if you ask I will try to accomadate you.)

Jennifer is also an artist. (Yup.)

Jennifer is an all-natural beauty (and smart too). (Flattery will get you everywhere, darling.)

Jennifer is a mindless beast. (Only in bed and on eBay, baby.)

5 thoughts on “

  1. It’s all true, swirly!

  2. You’re a superstar!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

    I’m about to post mine…

    Nyz xo

  3. hehe, that works for me.

    I’m a Jennifer too! LOL

  4. Hah! I had never thought of that! The only thing is, I’m named after an author, so if I do that ind of search, I’ll come up with a bunch of stuff about the author. That’s still pretty funny, though. I love it.

  5. I gotta tell ya, that has got to be the most WEIRDLY true thing I have ever witnessed. Right down to the must see on thursdays 🙂

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