Swirly’s Six
Own Worst Habits
1 chewing my nails & my cuticles when stressed
2 hanging around and/or conversing with people that I don’t particularly like out of morbid curiosity/boredom
3 drinking sweet tea instead of water
4 lounging for hours online and avoiding the dishes
5 eating one big meal a day, maybe two medium sized ones, instead of three small ones or snacking
6 rolling my eyes when I get irritated, even in mid-face-to-face-conversation
WOW! I do all but #3! (I drink diet coke instead of water )
Nyz xo
Ahum; 1 and 2?! You’ve got to be kidding!
3: ok, I do the same with coffee.
4: I hear ya!
5: this is erious; it could cause your stomach to bleed!
6: LOL!!!
Great list!
I dont need an excuse for #1. I have done it since i was a kid, and still do… go figure.
I eventually get sick of people who bore me, so I dont fall victime to your #2
Tea is a diaphoretic. It makes you pee. Drink it with water.
I am guilty by association on 4.
Is pizza a big or small meal?
I love you anyway 🙂