The New Semester Begins
Back in school and in the computer lab as of this past Monady. Here is the schedule for this semester:
ART 109 – Figure Drawing – MWF 1130-0120
ART 232 – Intermediate Drawing – MWF 0800-0950
ART 300 – Comp Graphics I – TR 1230-1515
ART 428 – US Art History – TR 0930-1045
MAT 105 – College Math – M 1830-2110
M=Monday T=Tuesday W=Wednesday R=Thursday F=Friday
All times are military in nature.
I’m also doing work study again, babysitting the Art dept’s Mac lab Tuesday and Thursday. It’s not glamorous but it’s a helluva lot better than other jobs I could have and HAVE had.
I have also been begged to tutor a lady in Intro to Computer Graphics, so that will be added my list of “have to do”s. That will be a Monday, Wednesday, Friday between classes kind of thing.
I have another part-time job as an art therapist. I work there Friday through Monday. Is half an hour away from my apartment but not too bad of a commute.
Fifteen hours and a few jobs is going to be a tough row to hoe, but I think I can do it. I just have to stay focused. I have to do things to let myself unwind and remember to work on my art projects – especially having three studio classes.
Wow..good luck..especially with the college math!
wow… good luck. you are very ambitious with all the classes and the part time job*s*… and taking art is so cool. I wish I could do that.
That sounds like quite a schedule, swirly. Don’t work too hard, hon, ok?
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Hope you get to take a little time for yourself along the way.
Sounds like a good schedule, classwise. At least you’ll have lots of studio time.
have fun!