Fall break has come and gone and the second half of the semester is now rolling by. The past few weeks have been rather busy and fin-filled, as my absence may have indicated.I’ve been spending lots of time doing “field trips” with fellow art nerds, including one outing recently to South of the Border at the NC/SC state line. Poor, poor violated Pedro.
I’m just got a critique in my figure drawing class. I had to do a repro of a Degas for my mid-term in there. I’m pretty happy with it and I have a TOTALLY new respect for the guy now. Honestly, I did after seeing on of his pieces in the Corcoran last Descember. Hmmm… perhaps it is time for another DC trip? An even better field trip exerience.
I’m trveling to an opening for one of my two favoritie professors tomorrow night and an opening for my mother-in-law on Saturday night. The senior show here is Sunday and I am going to support all of my upper-classmen and women then. Perhaps an hour or two of sleep in the meantime?
Glad you found time to pop in. I’ve missed you.
coool 🙂
I hate to think of any of my friends being in DC right now, though. Especially after someone called to tell me that they had been at that Home Depot.
Have a great time, Swirly. I’m home and on my fall break right now.
I missed you too, but I’m glad to hear that all is going well and that you’re still producing.
Take care!