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school update
I started work study today and learned how to mix clay in ceramics. Lunch was relaxing and fulfilling. I ran into a couple of people today that I haven’t seen since my first semester here. Always good to see a friendly face. A pretty interesting and mildly positive day.

home developments
Gray surprised me by finding and getting developed film from two years ago and film from our Dec. DC trip. Great stuff there. The older film had pictures of us in our old Greensboro apartment and showed both of us posing with my old cat, Leo. That damned cat was something else. The pics from DC were classic. I’ll get them scanned in next week while I’m in CG and post a few on here for ya.

interesting thing of the day
Today while watching the office for the art dept. secretary, one of my classmates came in to talk to me. She sat down in a chair in front of the desk and said, looking at a slab of marble on the edge of the desk, “This thing smells like a tombstone.” Not that it LOOKED like one or that it FELT like one … it smelled like it. And oddly enough, it was a footstone. Struck me as odd.

swirling in the eyes and ears
recently played: The Sims
was just watching: Clerks
now listening to: “Dean Martin & Julie London – Sway (Rip-Off Artist Remix)” on the CD Electronic Excursions In Hi-Fi Stereo.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Mixing clay! Right on! I’ve always loved the feel of porcelain slip. So smooth. You’ve reminded me that I should take another ceramics class sometime. Working on the wheel was always a great way to zone out.

  2. Gotta love Clerks.

    “I wasn’t even supposed to be here today!”


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