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Swirly’s Six
Things I Want To Do Before Dying

1 Watch my hubby wrestle. He really wants to wrestle, if only on the independent circuit. I want to be there to see him do it, win or not.

2 Kiss my children’s foreheads. I want to be a mom and get to at least see their beautiful eyes and kiss them. I think this will be my life’s highest peak – to love and lovingly raise our children.

3 Get my degree. I have always wanted to be the first in my family to go to college. I want to set a good example for my kids and to have the satisfaction of saying, “I did it”.

4 Fill up one of my hardback journals. Something for people to read and laugh about after I am gone. Two hundred pages of memories and insight. What a fun thing to look through, huh?

5 Try pottery. I have always wanted to do it and I think I will really, really enjoy it.

6 Establish a college scholarship in my great-grandmother’s name. I wanted to do this since I was in elementary school. I loved her so much and thought she was so spunky and strong. I want to help instill the confidence of a good education in other women. And if they are getting their degree in art, well hey … I’d love it even more.

4 thoughts on “

  1. What a great list!

    I love your lists!

  2. Cool list.

    Here’s mine –

    6) Not listable here.
    5) Slap Rush Limbaugh upside the head.
    4) Own a Yamaha V-Star 1100.
    3) Scuba with giant manta rays.
    2) Write a book/script that will excite Film, English, and Sexual Studies departments for years to come
    1) Retire to a treehouse in either Vancouver or New Zealand.

  3. those are wonderful goals!

  4. These rae lovely goals you’ve set yourself, swirly. I hope you’ll get them all and trust that at least five out of six are reachable. I don’t know how you go about no. 6, though?

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