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True Confession

I run around the house naked more often than not. My mom said when I was a wee little thing, one or two, and the doorbell rang she had to find me, put my clothes on and then answer the door.

Not much has changed. The doorbell rings or there is a sharp rap at the door and I’m scrambling, looking for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Hey, at least now I wear a bra. I guess I have improved a little.

previous confession  …

5 thoughts on “

  1. I’m glad you have risen above the level of a two year old, swirly! What a success!

  2. There’s something comforting about running around nude…I do try and avoid mirrors while I’m doing it though.

    Nyz xo

  3. LOL, this is lovely. You should always keep a bathrobe handy, like I do!

  4. I LOVE running around naked! 2 year olds really know how to live.

  5. Why was it so important for a child of one or two to be fully dressed?  My mum let us go starkers in summer so long as we had sunscreen on  

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