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Swirly’s Six
Things I Would Never Wear

1 gold or silver little-old-lady-going-to-Atlantic-City shoes

2 tube top

3 anything with a bow on the butt of it

4  mumu

5 sequined anything

6 I’m With Stupid T-shirt

6 thoughts on “

  1. hee hee…amen!  i hope i never get caught wearing these things either.  MAYBE the i’m w/ stupid shirt…but that’s the only one…and it’s a big maybe.

  2. Giggle! I can’t see me in those either! Good list. Hope you have a safe and fun 4th!

  3. So I suppose a sequined “I’m With Stupid” tube top would be WAY out of the question.

  4. you have excellent taste!

  5. Here! Here! A toast you you (happy 4th BTW).

    My evil clothes list:

    1) Anything with an empire waist
    2) Anything with lace on it
    3) Anything with flowers on it
    4) Anything pink, bright yellow, orange, or red.
    5) A white wedding gown

  6. Bows. YIKES!

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