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True Confession

I am a junkie for Fiestaware. My favorite colors are turquoise, medium green, lilac, chartreuse and plum. I like all of the colors, though. I have pieces in cobalt, rose, sunflower, sapphire, the old green and red.

I need to stop browsing eBay.

5 thoughts on “

  1. understood.  I would blow out my entire life savings on the cobalt stuff. (It matches my bowls from France!!)

  2. It’s very pretty. I’m sure a newlywed like you really goes for that stuff. I’m not quite ready for it!

  3. I hear that Ebay is Highly addicting!!

  4. Ebay can be addictive, it’s true! I’ve been buying way too many films there.

  5. I’ve been addicted to ebay for nearly 6 mo. now. I even have it as my homepage, how bad is that!

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