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Art of the Day

Paula Rego
The Dance, 1988
Acrylic on paper laid on canvas
2126 mm x 2740 mm
The Tate Collections

(click on image for larger view)

Better known for her somewhat disturbing renditions of fairy tales and Disney characters, Rego’s work displays a strong psychological theme and plays off relationships between men, women and children.

This particular painting I find intriguing because it seems like a purgatory prom.  The dancers appear to be either a bit on edge or slowly lulling into a trance.  There is, of course, a woman dancing by herself, though this lady doesn’t don a lampshade and hasn’t started stripping or bumping and grinding yet. Perhaps in purgatory that seems a bit silly.

3 thoughts on “

  1. D’ja notice how the clothes aren’t hanging quite right, like they’re dancing in 1/2 gravity or something?

    The colors I associate with fever dreams and bad drunks.

  2. There’s no escaping the sheer class of your weblog. This painting is great! I can relate to most of the art you share with us and I for one am glad you do! Keep them coming, swirling!

  3. Weird colors. I like it, though. I don’t know why, but I do!

    And I’m loving the woman who is dancing all by herself. GO, GIRL!

    The Duchess

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