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Annoying Trick of the Day

Write “X – buried treasure” in random spots on all of someone’s road maps.

Make sure to buy your dad a couple of new ones for Father’s Day if you pull this on him. 😉

9 thoughts on “

  1. As a father I feel comfortable in saying … may the curse of directelepticy haunt you for a thousand years.  amen.  😉

  2. I’m off to find my Dad’s refidex….;-)

    I wonder if Seth will like this one?

    Nyz xo:-)

  3. I think should offer a “Random X-Marks-The-Spot” feature.  It’d be ever so much useful than all of the closest Denny’s… 

  4. no way, Ralf!  you have to know where the nearest Denny’s is at all times!  It’s really important!

  5. now this one struck me as particularly amusing… maybe ‘cuz i know my dad would fall for it…

  6. hmmmmmmmm….good idea.
    i might try that today. 🙂

  7. I’m taking your advice and currently marking an entire road atlas for my dad. I’m up to Colorado…..

  8. THAT is the funniest one yet!!  😀

    I LOVE that style of art in the next post!!  Post MORE MORE MORE!!

  9. Evil mapquest! Clutter my screen with denny’s! There everywhere around here..

    We have no maps.  We’re clueless.  We aim the car and stick the petal to the metal.  (i.e. we get lost a lot) 😉

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