Annoying Trick of the Day
Honk and wave at strangers.
This works on many levels. It will, in most cases, embarrass your passenger. It will either confuse or anger the stranger. It may cause their passenger to accuse them of meeting you secretly in the Motel 6 instead of attending PTA meetings. It could cause them to rack their brain for the rest of the day. Sure, yeah, it could make them think it was all an act of random kindness, but I’m not going to bank on it. Neither should you.
I love doing that! I really do!
Usually my passengers ask “what’d you do that for” and I reply with a shrug. I just feel like it I guess.
When I’m not driving, I like to get my driver to drive really close to a cyclist and as we go past you whack the door with the palm of your hand or bark like a dog really loud. Watching a cyclist fall flat on his face after he’s had the shit scared out of him is fabulous. 😀
Nyz xo:-)
I tried your ‘honk and wave’ trick today. However, when the girl in the car one lane over rolled down her window and asked, “will we be meeting in the local Motel 6 at the same time this evening” … well, it was very embarrassing … especially since we don’t have a local Motel 6 …I discovered that after spending the rest of the morning searching for one … I think she may have been tricking me.
I have learned that honking at ppl you do not know makes them mad and then leads you to being tailgated and possibly shot.
I dated a guy who used to roll down the windows and yell at random strangers whenever we went somewhere in my car (I would be driving). Sure did make me mad….. hehehe
LOL..that is what I’ll be trying today at lunch. Theres lots of traffic where I work so I can even go so far as to roll down my window and start talking like I’ve known them for years!
LMAO! now that’s something i could never do! and they actually teach us to do that w/MK!!! 🙂 how insane is that!?!
My husband does this all the time. Embarrases me every single time…:-D
The Duchess
ya know swirly, i was having a eh day and decided to take your advice..i honked and waved to every other 6 cars…much to the horror of my sister…i feel much better 😀
‘Glad I could help, lead. 😀
Oooh ooh! Suggestion! Get ALL of your passengers to participate. My friend Beth and her mom originally introduced this one to me. When sitting in a left turn lane (or any turn lane I guess), wait until the passengers turning into the opposite lane of traffic get right there just about to pass you and do it. Honk and have all passengers wave at the same time. Beth swears she did this once leaving our high school parking lot and it confused the guy (who turned out to be a student too). He supposedly hit the curb, blew out his tires and bent a speed sign.
LOL!!!! Do it all the time!! LOL LOL! Kindred spirit. Do it just to see the confused look when I’m having a bad day! LOL LOL! Usually the wave provokes a smile back!