Posted on 7 Comments

True Confession

I ate Cracker Jacks ice cream for dinner tonight.

7 thoughts on “

  1. *herc*
    uhh hello
    icq little miss thang

  2. I had Edy’s Twix ice cream! It was sublime. How was the CJ?

    “I am woman, give me ice cream, dammit!” 🙂

  3. What the heck is cracker jack ice cream? And where do you get it? Are there crappy little plastic prizes in it (that could be hard on the teeth…) ?

  4. Edy’s makes it, I bought it at Food Lion … alas, there are no toys inside. 🙁

  5. No, but it could be USED as a toy couldn’t it?

  6. That’s what YOU think, GG …

  7. Oooooooooooooh yum.. actually I like Crispy Crunch!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Boy howdy that gets you high!

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