Little Known Facts About Me
😉 I was 4’6″ in kindergarten.
😀 In the 5th grade I was laughing so hard at Chad Swaim during lunch that chocolate milk came out of my nose and hosed him (and my pizza).
🙂 I got straight A’s throughout elementary school, except for one B, in third grade in handwriting.
😛 My favorite toys have always been, and still are, my Crayolas. I buy a new box every year.
🙁 I married my high school sweetheart, but we divorced after 5 years of dating, 1 year of living together and 2 years of marriage.
One wonders why you gave up on a guy after investing 8 years in him?
Multiple reasons …
Hell hath no fury like a woman with chocolate milk. 😀
i STILL wuv u 😀