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Little Known Facts About Me

😉 I am the oldest of four children, but I am also an only child.  I am the only child of my mom & her 1st husband.  I have a half-sister from her 2nd marriage and two half-brothers from her 3rd.

😀 I don’t often wear mascara because I am infamous for laughing until I cry.

🙂 I am the first person from my family to ever attend college.

😛 I was a tomboy as a kid and still have a really, really hard time turning down a dare.

🙁 I still remember my worst birthday ever (my 12th), what I got that year(a 6-pack of V8 and two packs of watermelon bubble gum), that my step-dad didn’t sign the card or show up for my family-party-thing.  It makes me cry when I retell the whole thing.

7 thoughts on “

  1. Ouch, that was a terrible 12th birthday.  {{{SwirlingThoughts}}}

  2. Sounds very much like the time I got a coloring book and crayons for Christmas, except that I could actually use my gift.  Poverty either breaks you or it makes you into a strong, independant person.  It sounds like you came out on top.

  3. reminds me of my 17th bday when the first thing I got was not until hte day was almost over and a customer at work asked me what was wrong.  And I said that it was my bday and no one had said a thing about it to me.  So they gave me a rose.   

    A 6-pack of V8?  Do you even like it? 

  4. well i still love ya 😀

    btw i am the oldest of 6 girls and two boys..only four related 😀

  5. *sends warm thoughts about the 12th birthday AND for living on the border of NC/SC…BUT….* It’s time to PARTY!!!! Get out there n’ boogy now before arthritis kicks in…okay, well, I’m bein’ silly…but ya know what…be what makes you happy…or at least happy enough to be around other people. *nodnods* Laterdays!

  6. V8?  Now I feel so much better about my childhood!

  7. Okay, how come everyone commented on the childhood? Okay, maybe I can’t relate, my childhood was anything but awful, I’m a single child and spoilt rotten . . . . .

    Which makes me leave the comment about all your brothers and sisters . . . .

    How do you keep all that straight?

    My family is easy . . . .  mom dad and ME. 😉

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