Posted on 6 Comments

Are you missing these items on your computer?

6 thoughts on “

  1. Hey there!

    I enjoyed your “Boys I’ve Kissed” post. Quite funny. Do you have any ideas about where you want to go or what you want to do after graduation?



  2. Ya’ know, that “Extend Deadline” feature could come in REALLY handy…

  3. LOL do i ever need the “fuck it” button on my computer!

  4. Pink Degas:
    I want to go into art therapy … helping people channel their anger, frustration, despair into something productive: pottery, painting, drawing, acting, writing, whatever.

  5. acting writing…homocide for hire?
    teehee..i love this so much, i sent it to like everyoe i know 🙂
    mwah! {v}

  6. Love that web page  Thanks for sharing 🙂

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