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Odd Fact About Me

I am the “Krispy Kreme Queen”.  I engaged in an eating contest with a co-worker, eating a full dozen chocolate covered creme filled donuts in less than 45 minutes, WITHOUT puking.  Did I mention I did this on my lunch break in the middle of a Friday night shift?

I still can’t stand the smell of them, almost two years later, and haven’t had one since.

For all of the puritanicals that doubt this, you can skip the comments section and kiss my royal Krispy Kreme ass right now …

12 thoughts on “

  1. Oh my, you are disgusting and I don’t believe you!! LOL  Just kidding, chica 😉  I read all of the lovely comments about your drinking binge…whew!

  2. *plunges to her knees and throws her head back dramatically whilst gesturing to they sky…..*


  3. or…the sky whichever they kinda has a nice ring to it though, man i wish i re-read hmph

  4. um, ewwww, though i guess i can’t really talk, i mean, i’ve eaten tuna and peanut butter together, didn’t get sick, just thought i was going to.

  5. ummmmmmm…..donuts……..I could go for a dozen or two right now. And believe me, I could eat them all. *G* May not be too big, but I’ve got a hollow leg. *G* *sets down 4 turkey sandwiches and looks in cabinets for more food* You think I’m kiddin?


  6. *shakes head* 😀

  7. Wow! I almost puked reading it. I’ll never sleep tonight with the contact high I got from the sugar buzz you must have gotten. And you are still alive! And I don’ t mean after eating the dirty dozen.

  8. I ate a 2 pound bag of carrots, doughnuts are too sweet for me.

  9. wow…pretty cool, if you ask me…i’m a sugarholic though…i could probably eat just as many if not more, and not get sick either…i worked in a bakery for over 4 yrs, and i’m still not sick of donuts! hehe 😀 again, girl, you fucking rock! LMAO!

  10. Ugh…I love thyne cream filled choco covered though, but you made me sick.

  11. I’ve said that hot, fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts are better than (bad) sex. Sorry you’ve ruined the experience for yourself!

    The drinking-binge logs… and the comments… OMG I about fell on the floor laughing. I just have to echo the oft-said words… you go girl! (I never had any love lost for yogi either)…

  12. Thanks, lit … you rock, too!

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