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Stupid Ex-Husband Tricks

Trick #2
After a particularly nasty fight, Jason, the ex, said in a fit of rage that he would kill himself if I left the house for any reason.  He was doing this in hopes of keeping me at home instead of going to a family reunion.
I, of course, read through his bluff, knowing he was too conceited to do it.  I told him not to make a mess and handed him a mop on my way out the door.

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Stupid Ex-Husband Tricks

Trick #1
Once when he thought I was going to leave him, Jason took a used tampon and some of my hair from the shower drain and had a friend help him put a ‘spell of binding’ on me. The spell was supposed to make me love him and only him until the spell was undone. The only catch was that he could have no bad thoughts while casting the spell. He was pissed off about something when he did it, so the spell had a negative effect on me. I couldn’t explain why, but for some reason the sound of his voice made me want to scream. Stupid, stupid man…

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I have never met my biological father.
There are a few reasons for this, I will disclose those at a later time … but I have never met him, or even seen a picture of him for that matter.  This was a poem I wrote on New Year’s day this year while thinking about all of this … enjoy. ~Jennifer


Your face is one I’ve never seen
But makes up half 0of mine
I guess I got your fine, thin hair
But will it gray with time?
It’s strange to miss something
That you never really had
But I’ve wondered often, long and hard
What it’s like to have a dad

Would school have been easier
Would my friends have liked you
Would I have been more outdoorsy
Or better equipped to beat the flu
Would my relationships later on
Been made of a stronger fiber
Or would another religion
Have me as a subscriber

I guess I’ll never know just what
Your presence would have changed
If only you would have stayed
And not chosen to be estranged
And yet I can’t stop pondering
About you and all you are
I guess it’s you affecting me
In a way you couldn’t bar

– me, 01.01.01