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The Google Game
“as soon as I saw his face I knew”

As soon as I saw his face, I knew he was in a yam.
(Or in a jam. Yum. Strawberry jam. Now would that be so bad?)

As soon as I saw his face, I knew he was very serious and dedicated in his practice.
(Well, that and the sign hanging above his office door that said “I am very serious and dedicated in my practice.”)

As soon as I saw his face, I knew something terrible was wrong.
(There was no way that Lurlene meant to set me up with my own brother. Or did she?) 

As soon as I saw his face, I knew he didn’t mean no harm, so I told him to watch who he was coming up on like that and told him to go home.
(Never scare a deer hunter while wearing a replica of deer antlers.)

As soon as I saw his face, I knew he came to ask me to sell him my shares in Yomiuri Land Co, Ltd.
(But I would not sell that day. Or the next. Or the next. Or the next. Or the next. But then stock prices started to plummet so I sold them. But I was mad about it.)

I didn’t even realize that Mackie was Mackie because he has gotten so tall and his hair is really dark, but as soon as I saw his face, I knew.
(He had that same Mackie scowl. He also still had “stoopid” written on his forehead from our last 4H trip. I guess Mackie never got over his fear of the shower head.)

Brain was just looking at me in disbelief, as soon as I saw his face, I knew I had to fill him in with all my life adventures and experiences.
(And as soon as he saw the look on my face he said, “I don’t want to hear it,” and walked away quickly.)

And as soon as I saw his face I knew that he had plans and he was using Crow as his assassin.
(And then just like that I woke up. So, whaddya think, doc? Am I crazy?)

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Behind The Scenes
What Is That Profile Pic?

A Barbie head that begged me for a Glamour Shot. I cropped out the God-awful-big-brooch-looking earrings that they always make people wear in those things. She seemed really happy with the shots, but her check bounced. Lousy Mattel sellout.

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Swirly’s Time Line
4th grade – part 1

The summer before fourth grade started, it was the first time I didn’t ride down the road with Grandma, my legs sticking to the car seat. I don’t really remember getting my class assignment, only that Jason Fox was STILL in there – again. I was so upset. When would I ever get rid of that leech?

School Daze
I was still enrolled in the AG program with the too-weird-for-words Mrs. Hice. Her spider fetish continued and even flowered that year as we made gold spider ornaments to compliment the silver one from the previous year. Michelle was still in my class and we were almost inseparable. I made a few new friends, but it was kinda hard. I was considered a nerd. And I was painfully shy.

I had a teacher named Mr. Howard who had insane amounts of nose hair protruding from both nostrils. He yelled and threw desks and preached in class. He got fired the year after I was in his room, and the last time I saw him he was running the TRAM at the NC Zoo in Asheboro.

I memorized a poem called “Sam McGee” so that our class could get an extra PE hour. I still remember bits and pieces of it. I remember see-sawing with Lisa in the backyard while I tried in commit it to memory. I found a copy of the words here.

On The Home Front
Speaking of home, things were starting to go downhill with Paul. I’m not sure of the exact timing, but somewhere in this area of time he had an accident and got a DUI. His licence was taken away and he had to do the “weekend jail” thing for a while. At first my mom told us he was working, but I eventually found out the truth. We celebrated by eating fish sticks and french fries and being silly.

We celebrated because when he was in the house, it was pretty tense. He was always mad about something and Lisa and I often found ourselves the target of his rage. He would beat us with his belt for pretty much no reason at all or simply trivial things. My mom didn’t defend us. I guess she was mentally or emotionally too weak to do anything. Maybe she didn’t want to be his target.

Paul was also making it painfully clear that his little boy, William, could do no wrong. The preferential treatment started almost with birth. The little boy he threatened to kill was now the apple of his eye. It was his little boy. And like he kept reminding me, and would for years, I was not his child. “I’m not your daddy, but you’ll treat me like I am.”

Airing Dirty Laundry
I remember that at 10 I started hanging out laundry. I did it because I wanted to be “grown up” and to help out my mom. I got stuck doing it until I left home. All of the hot, sweaty days standing barefoot in the back yard, wooden clothespins clamped to the bottom of my shirt. My mom told me that when I got older that I would hang my clothes out to dry, too, to save money on the electric bill. Mom – I don’t.

On one occasion I remember Paul and mom fighting and he called her a ‘whore’. My vocabulary was limited at that point, but through my school-bus-education I knew that was a horrible thing for him to call her. I yelled at him, “No one calls my mom a whore – Not even you!” I knew I was going to get punished, but I was so sick of seeing him run all over her. She was so fragile and weak and I didn’t want to see her hurt anymore.

I guess in a lot of ways I tried to distract him from her. I tried to channel his anger from her. It worked – a little too well. Soon I was his exclusive target. And where was my backup? Where was my protector? No where to be found.

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The Google Game
“Jennifer wants to”

Jennifer wants to finish school and go to a good college. (No, Jennifer wants to finish college and get her master’s degree.)

Jennifer wants to have it both ways. (Depends on what it is. If it is bacon bits or croutons, I do want it both ways.)

Jennifer wants to marry Brad Pitt after her contract expires. (Actually, he doesn’t do that much for me.)

Jennifer wants to be a lawyer, but for now, she’s a great young lady who goes to college and also holds a full-time job at nights. (Then most likely Jennifer is used to not having a life and wants to work her future away in exchange for an SUV and house too big for one person. Kinda sad, huh?)

Jennifer wants to ensure her classmates have a nutritious breakfast every morning. (I really don’t care either way, as long as they don’t try to steal my Mountain Dew.)

Jennifer wants to know, “Do any animals live down in the deepest part of lakes?” (The part where my biological father now lives? With the other scum suckers?)

Jennifer wants to believe he is motivated by more than media attention, yet small actions lead her to believe the worst. (Like the fact that he sends out his own Neilson ratings.)

Jennifer wants to know more about grasshoppers. (Or not.)

Jennifer wants to take both “Write Your Own Mystery Story” and “The Science Behind Magic.” (I would like the writing thing. I’m not too big on magic tricks, though. The closest thing I can do to magic is go a month without bouncing any checks or getting a utility cut off! Now THAT’S a class that should be offered!)

Jennifer wants to do anything she can do to improve the self-esteem of people. (Perhaps this could be my future platform if I ever lose 100 lbs. and decide to enter the pageant circuit.)

Jennifer wants to draw him out and let him talk. (And she wants to … hehehe.)

Jennifer wants to be bold and free like her tigers in her tapestry. (This is just imagery.)

Jennifer wants to develop a new sports beverage. (It’s called “Give It Up and Take A Nap”, available soon in all Texaco stations!)

Jennifer wants to hire detective Owen McKenna to look into the death which she believes was a murder. (I really do, because the idiot beside me here in the computer lab is KILLING this song. Aaauuugggghhhh!)

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True Confession

When I was a kid growing up under the steady glare of the grandparents, during the church days, I was beat in the head with the “rapture” sermon.

Occasionally, then and throughout my life, I would wake up and not find anyone in the house. I used to run around frantic that the rapture had indeed taken place and that I had been left behind, beating myself -mentally- in the head for all of my rotten deeds.

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Behind The Scenes
What Is That Profile Pic?

I got this image, pre-alterations, from an eBay auction that I drooled over until it soared out of my price range. It was a wooden Buddha head with great detailing. It inspired me to try to make my own out of a Styrofoam wig head, some gold paint and those flattened-marble-look-alike things. Not exactly a grand success, but it was a learning experience. Well, that and it creeps out my neighbor, Misty, so it’s good for a laugh now and then, too. She begs me to turn it around to face to the wall because it is “staring at her”.

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The Google Game
“purt near”

I didn’t know if I chopped his tail off or his head, so I climbed back on the mule, and I sat there for purt near thirty minutes, then rode right on by.

However, if you’re not like me, you want fresh humor every day–or purtnear.

When Big Don lets go one of his infectious, high-pitched giggles, purtnear everyone at the hoedown giggles along with him.

Well, it’s been said that Frye’s Old Town is purt near the funnest place in town for lookin’, shoppin’, and laughin’!

Then, keeping them 100% safe from predators is purt near impossible.

With no room to turn around, they gunned it backwards into said mud pit. And it purt near swallowed them up.

I have been in Ohio for purtnear a month, now.

I have a plaque over my toilet that states: “With these two rules to live by you’ve purt near got it skinned, never whittle towards yourself and don’t pi$$ against the wind”.

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