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Found Online – Redbook
Instant Fight Stoppers

1. Be nice to each other (even if it kills you).

Don’t overlook the importance of a kind gesture. When the two of you are in the middle of a spat, force yourself to do something nice for him — say, get him a cup of coffee, hand him his glasses, or even motion toward a chair for him to sit in, says Michele Weiner-Davis, author of Divorce-Busting. These little icebreakers have tremendous psychological impact. Sondra Hays, 31, of Bloomington, Ill., says when she and her husband are heading toward a confrontation, “I say, ‘I love you, and I truly do not want to fight with you.’ We end up in massive fights over such stupid things, and that brings us back to what’s important.”

2. Ask yourself: Is this really fight-worthy?

If you fly off the handle over every little infraction (dishes in the sink, giving the kids snacks before dinner), your partner will tune you out on the big stuff. Terry Lake, 35, of Rochester, Pa., decided that eight years of nagging his wife about her lack of tidiness was enough: “I realized it’s not something we will ever solve, so if I want the bathroom clean I can do it myself.”

3. Agree to call a time-out.

Sometimes just getting away from each other for a minute or two can stop a fight. Pat Enderson, 31, of Maple Grove, Minn., finds herself bickering with her husband when she’s stressed out or tired. “Either my husband or I will realize it and call a time-out,” she says. “Sometimes that means going to another room; sometimes it just means being quiet for a while. Usually the whole thing passes without further comment.”

4. Say you’re sorry when you’re not.

“Most of us are convinced we have to show our ‘real’ feelings all the time, and that’s not true,” says Weiner-Davis. “The ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’ line is some of the biggest baloney ever. Say you’re sorry even if you’re not 100 percent behind it.” You’ll be amazed at the impact those words can have on a hostile mate; he’s very likely to soften after hearing them, as Scott Tady, 35, of Beaver, Pa., can attest: “Usually if my wife or I say ‘I’m sorry’ during a fight, we start kissing and hugging; the pent-up frustration can eventually lead to some incredible sex.”

5. Stop. Think. Write.

Sometimes your argument looks ridiculous once it’s on paper. Instead of blurting out what’s making you angry, jot it down on a notepad, or even put it in an email (you don’t have to send it!). Marriage therapist Lisa Stromeier of Columbus, Ohio, says this strategy serves another important function: It gives you time to cool off.

6. Barter with everything!

Cindy Moss, 39, of Cedar Rapids, Ia., has no qualms about using sex as a bargaining tool. “When one of us wants the other to do something he or she doesn’t want to do, we’ll avoid fighting by saying something like, “If you go with me to visit my great-aunt in the nursing home, I’ll owe you big,” meaning a sexual favor. Those words totally defuse arguments because they ease the tension. Also, it makes us both happier doing what we don’t want to when there’s such a fun reward.”

7. Act like an idiot.

For Nancy Roman, 35, of Linden, N.J., arguments often end in laughter. “At the beginning of our marriage, whenever we argued, my husband left the house to cool off and I sat and stewed,” she says. “In recent years he has started making these silly faces in the middle of an argument and sticking his tongue out at me. I totally lose it and start laughing — thus the argument ends!” Likewise, 27-year-old Angela Barr of Beaufort, S.C., raises her fists in a mock sparring gesture and says, “Wanna fight? Come on, let’s fight” when she and her husband start quarreling. Then they laugh and the moment passes. “Lately we both break the tension by ‘begging’ to fight with each other,” she says. “Sometimes our teasing will turn into a wrestling/tickling match that ends with both of us in giggles.”

One caveat: Don’t overdo it, says New York psychotherapist Gilda Carle. Humor is “relationship glue,” but being snide or shooting barbs at your husband won’t help. And never poke fun about sensitive issues, such as weight or sex problems. “You can’t laugh about what’s really bothering your partner, or he’ll feel he’s not being taken seriously,” says Carle.

8. Phone it in.

Many men respond better to a voice over the telephone than to a steaming woman in front of them, says Carle. She once settled a long argument with her husband simply by calling him on the second line — the two were in the same house but in separate rooms — and hashed it out over the phone. You can do the same thing with a cell phone; neither of you sees any rolling eyes or other physical signals that can add fuel to the fire.

9. Take turns having fun.

When Denise Mussman, 35, of St. Louis, headed out to a Cardinals game with her husband and her 3-year-old daughter, she says “My husband was crabby, he didn’t want to go, and my first impulse was to say, ‘Why did you agree to come?'” When Mussman realized that her husband was going to the game to please her, she backed off. “I told him that afterward we would do whatever he wanted to do. He was like a little kid — his mood changed immediately. We had a good time at the game, then came home and had a barbecue.”

10. Use the code.

Peggy Elder, 46, of Brooklyn says she and her husband constantly bickered after a stressful move across the country. “We moved because of my job, so every time he complained I’d feel guilty and say something snappish. Finally we decided that any time one of us wanted to complain we’d say, ‘This isn’t a complaint, just an observation.’ It was code for ‘You don’t need to respond to this; it’s not personal — just listen.'”

11. Mind your manners.

We sometimes treat the people closest to us with less respect than we do the cashier at the supermarket. Check the biting sarcasm at the door, listen with respect to what your mate has to say, and don’t interrupt when he’s talking: You’ll be amazed at how many would-be fights simply fizzle out.

12. Pull out the Palm Pilot.

Busy couples often feel as if they have no time to hash things out during the week — and that pressure can make fights escalate quickly. Scheduling time to talk — say, on Saturday mornings while the kids are still asleep or glued to cartoons — about potentially heated issues can fend off stressful confrontations during the week. (You don’t have to be formal about it; just say, “Sounds like a Saturday discussion” and drop it for the moment.) My husband and I use long car rides (with the kids snoozing in the back) for this purpose. If you aren’t the type who plans every minute of your week, at least ask, “Is this a good time to talk?” before launching into a discussion, suggests author Weiner-Davis.

13. Know when to quit.

Don’t look for closure in the middle of the argument by hounding your mate to validate your point, says Weiner-Davis. If he gives in, even grudgingly, back off and let him save face. Sometimes an argument goes on simply because one person refuses to let it end. John Schofield, 40, of Chippewa, Pa., uses this simple reminder: “I think of that old song ‘The Gambler’ by Kenny Rogers — the one that goes, ‘You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em; know when to walk away, know when to run.'”

14. Think happy thoughts.

Try to remind yourself of why the two of you are together in the first place, using a specific image. “When I’m mad at my husband, I take a deep breath and make myself recall that magic moment when we first met, or how caring he is when I’m sick, or what great sex we had last night,” says Kate Scott, 28, of Houston, Tex.

15. Call on a higher power.

No matter what your religious faith, prayer can be a powerful force. Not long ago, 40-year-old Sue Lewis of Grand Rapid, was driving to a weekend marriage retreat with her husband. “I was suffering from PMS, I was cranky, and we started fighting about money,” she says. In the middle of the argument, the same thought struck her and her husband: “We were on our way to a church retreat to improve our marriage, and here we were, bickering. So we talked about the fact that we had invited God into our marriage and that we should call on him during the tough times. We prayed as we drove; it was amazing how smoothly the rest of the weekend went.”

16. Ask yourself: “Would I rather be right — or be happy?”

Quell the urge to prove yourself right every time, even if you are the most blameless woman on the planet. “You can be right and miserable for the rest of your life,” says Weiner-Davis. “You need to move beyond that sticking point.”

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School Work

The latest project in my computer graphics class was to make a self-portrait out of a well known artist’s work, using Photoshop.  Here you have my first version.  I made myself the subject of an Egon Schiele drawing.


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It’s been a while since I have subjected you to a …
Poetry Moment

If you inquire I won’t deny
My face lights up at your name
My eyes soften a bit, my breathing slows
You are a like a drug offering an escape
From the spiraling troubles
And though I walk down this dark path
My way is lighted by your name


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Another unsent and unmailed …
Letter to the Ex

I’m letting go of the pieces of you that fill my memory.  Just this morning I tossed away a bag of our things, just the way that you think that I tossed you out.  Christmas cards, letters of apology from you, movie ticket stubs – emotional and physical litter that I parted with bittersweetly.

It’s sad to think that I have to part with pieces of myself to get rid of you, but it is far better to pay that price than to see you spread throughout this apartment.  It’s better to get rid of pieces of my history than to have your face hiding in photo albums and your handwriting lurking about in unsuspecting folders and boxes.

I threw them away, just the way that you think that I threw you away.  If only they had made a case against themselves the way that you did.


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    Emailed Words of Wisdom
  Inner Strength

   If you can start the day without caffeine or pep pills,

   If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

   If you can resist complaining and boring people with
   your troubles,

   If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it,

   If you can understand when loved ones are too busy to give you

   If you can overlook when people take things out on you when,
   through no fault of yours, something goes wrong,

   If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,

   If you can face the world without lies and deceit,

   If you can conquer tension without medical help,

   If you can relax without liquor,

   If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

   If you can do all these things,

   Then you are probably the family dog.

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School Daze

Time drags by like my dog dragging her butt across the rug in the living room.  Back to classes after spring break today – isn’t it summer already?

Native American Art History – B+
Intro to Printmaking – B-
Intro to Computer Graphics – A-
Abnormal Psych – A
Physical Science – A

I have made new friends this semester – most notably fellow art geek, Gina.  She rocks.  We can droll over art books and talk about similar things.  It is fun to have someone to be geeky with.

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Best of Swirly
Print Shop Stories

Here are all of the links to all of the Print Shop Stories:

Nekkid Noodles
The first in the series spurred by a memory of an occurrence from my print shop days in Greensboro.  A naked cooking experimented stirred the gossip up and stirred up a few comments from Xangans as well.

Miss Halloween part 1
A saleslady who slept her way to the top and discolored phones throughout the city.

Miss Halloween part 2
Part two of the woman who would generate nightmares for printers everywhere.

The short man who became the father of tall-tales.

Meeting Mitch
My first encounter with the man who taught me how to laugh at myself as well as his crazy ass.

Mitch in Costume
Not exactly one for tact, Mitch makes a name for himself on Halloween at the print shop.

Mitch: He’s Not All Bad
More about Mitch, the lovable but crazy reason I stayed at the company so long in the first place.

Mitch and the Banana Bombs
Gas fuels this story and the series with a tale from the REALLY dark side.  A man-made weapon – the Banana Bomb.

Meeting Rick
An unusual first conversation unveils the true nature of a new co-worker.

Rick’s Pizza
A Papa John’s pizza becomes a test of will for one man and a testament for another.

Bobbie (or What A Colorful World)
The circus seems to come to life as a new character takes the stage.

Please Meet My Cusband and My Kids
Bobbie’s adventures continue and tolls are charged to those who try to cross her daughter’s bridge.

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Baby Dreams

I have always had somewhat bizarre dreams, but in the last three weeks I have had at least four dreams that I was pregnant.  In  these dreams I transition from big tummy, to just after giving birth.  I have my daughter laying on my chest and we are sleeping.  Then at some point Gray I were cradling our new baby girl.  Three times I have dreamed that I was awaken in the middle of the night to nurse her.

Ummm … interesting to say the least, huh?  I wonder if this means that my uterus knows something that I don’t.