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In mother-in-law land for the Thanksgiving thing later today. It is also a big birthday thing for the four November birthday people. Big hoo-hah.

If you haven’t seen it, I recommend the movie “Frida” with Selma Hayek. It was great and long worth my wait for it to come out.

more soon …

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The semester drags on … and on … and on … a paper on Edward Hopper, an US Art History test, a math test, a couple of drawing projects, massive work study hours – all looming overhead. Isn’t college grand?

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Fall break has come and gone and the second half of the semester is now rolling by. The past few weeks have been rather busy and fin-filled, as my absence may have indicated.

I’ve been spending lots of time doing “field trips” with fellow art nerds, including one outing recently to South of the Border at the NC/SC state line. Poor, poor violated Pedro.

I’m just got a critique in my figure drawing class. I had to do a repro of a Degas for my mid-term in there. I’m pretty happy with it and I have a TOTALLY new respect for the guy now. Honestly, I did after seeing on of his pieces in the Corcoran last Descember. Hmmm… perhaps it is time for another DC trip? An even better field trip exerience.

I’m trveling to an opening for one of my two favoritie professors tomorrow night and an opening for my mother-in-law on Saturday night. The senior show here is Sunday and I am going to support all of my upper-classmen and women then. Perhaps an hour or two of sleep in the meantime?

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Hello from mother-in-law land! I’m on for a sec before retiring for the day. I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I had a really, reeeeeeally busy week and will have another one this week, too. I did get my Pell Grant refund … finally. Thank God. I hope I sell some stuff tomorrow/today. I could use the moolah. I’ve got Gina’s birthday coming up and all …


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Leaving for a few days at the beach tomorrow after my Art History test. This vacation could not come at a better time. It’s been a crazy week and I need to destress.

Anyone want a shell?

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Quick Blog

We had our first official nude session yesterday. The 19yo girl chickened out at the last minute. The 45yo woman is actually 61, but a really nice lady. Everything went well and it was very laid back and a productive day.

I am busy getting jewelry ready for an arts fair this weekend at my mother-in-laws gated community type thing. I have beads coming out of my ears … geez.

I’m off to computer graphics soon. I like that class but I get bored sometimes. To keep that boredom at bay I did 8 versions of my first project. A little overkill maybe, but they turned out well. I’ll post a couple of them on here before tomorrow AM.

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School Daze

We didn’t get nudies. I was so disappointed. They have been hired though, a 19 year old and a 45 year old… both women. No penises for me unless I talk Gray into unrobing for the sake of a developing artist. If that is the case I’ll need more charcoal. I’ve drawn him in the buff before, but he was asleep. He made me promise not to show them to anyone because, and I quote, “but it’s MY ASS!”

Instead of being blessed with nudies, Swirly was visited by the nightmare fairy, who was nice enough to leave a splitting headache for me to start the day off with. Yeah! (I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I grind my teeth in my sleep when I’m stressed and when I have nightmares. I’ve been told that many of the points on my back teeth are gone thanks to this.) It happened Tuesday night and last night, too.

Last night’s dream was a collaboration between the nightmare fairy and the panic attack fairy. I had a total panic attack including tightened chest, uneven breathing and crying. While asleep. This is getting pretty scary – I can’t even trust my sleep.

I woke Gray up and talked to him for a while and then I fell back asleep with him holding me. I slept pretty well, too. I woke up at 9:15 for my 9:30 class. Whee! I’m making a pit stop now in the 24-hour-lab before going home to scrape the sleepy crust out my eyes and get a shower. Then it’s back across for Computer Graphics.

Oh, one word from the home front … Gray was given a PS2 for his birthday and I’m totally kick ass at GT3. I am getting sick of hearing “Kickstart My Heart” though.

A good day to all…

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Personal Update

I’ve been a tad remiss in my Xanga posting because of the below post and due to a full social/project calendar.

Gray and I got a visit from the middle brother and his wife/daughter/baby on Saturday. It was great to see them and they started their chant again, “Move to Raleigh and live near us!” I love my niece to death. She is so dear.

Sunday we lazed around the bed/couch watching movies and snuggling. Gray was feeling kinda icky so I played nursemaid and went to Blockbuster and the drug store and Food Kitty for him. (He is much better now.)

Yesterday my art-geek friend Gina came over and I cooked a pork loin roast with homemade mashed potatoes and green beans. We both needed a little comfort food. Her mom is having health battles and she is really being the trooper and doing all of that and finishing up her last year at Pembroke. I have taken over the duty of “make sure Gina laughs a lot and has fun”. It is a task sometimes, but oh so worth it to see the troubles lifted from her face.

Yesterday was Gray and my 6-month-since-we-got-married anniversary. It feels like we’ve been married forever, though. I guess part of that reason is since the day we met I’ve felt so comfortable around him. It was just this thing that I knew – we were meant to be together. It wouldn’t always be easy or fun, real life isn’t … but that we would always escape certain doom and be able to laugh about it later. And we have and we do.

I’m off to Computer Graphics in a few. I just wanted to pop in for a sec and say a few words. And to answer those who have emailed me and expressed concern – I’m not leaving Xanga. This is my place and I have always felt support here. If a couple of people want to try to ruin that, let them. I don’t care. I’m not running from them or letting them make me feel anyway other than what I do – happy of the person that I have become and proud of the changes that I am making in my life.


PS. We get our model tomorrow in Figure Drawing … this should be interesting.

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The place that was my refuge, Xanga, has now become a place for the emotional vampires to congregate and feast on my blog and on Gray’s. Yet they say that I am the one with the problems … good grief.  Two of the staunchest believers of God, too … makes me want to go to great lengths to disassociate myself with anything Christian.

I haven’t heard from you in a while, Jason/Jacen. How is the land of grapes, donkeys and gold treating you? Any good X floating around in Greensboro these days or are you avoiding it so that your mommy doesn’t get upset? Is your new wife supporting you yet or have you decided to keep a job longer than the latest Playstation game?

Please, tell me … how many Xanga blogs do you have now? And how bitter are you that you keep coming back to attack me? Go grow up … and by the way – your attempts at poetry still suck ass.