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Answer To Email

Okay, okay … I’ll stop being so cryptic. I got an email asking me why I call my main squeeze “Mr. Sweetie” and not by his real name. Well, the reason is because he has a very unusual name and he is on Xanga as well. It would be REALLY easy to figure out who he was and honestly I don’t want to be the next Xanga soap opera. I prefer to call him “Mr. Sweetie” and so I shall, but at least you know why now. Satisfied?

7 thoughts on “

  1. Sounds like as good a name as any!  🙂

  2. Nope, I’ not satisfied, Swirly. *G* I’m makin it my goal to sniff out MR. Sweety. *G* *looks at jermschmitt suspiciously* You’re a likely candidate……hehehehe Who were you with last night? *G* No details now……hehe Well, Swirly, I’ll be going. I’m gonna keep a close eye out for your hubby and I’ll find out who he is and harass him. *G* I’ll keep it as our little secret though. Muahahahaha *WEG*


  3. well, i wasn’t really curious…an oddity for me! but, thanks for the clarification! 🙂 a fellow Xanganite, huh? oh, the drama abounds!!! 😉 tee hee hee…

  4. Anonymity can be great! And what a “sweet” name for him. 🙂

  5. Heh…… Ok, well I am here, so the mystery can now be undone.  She didn’t tell me about these emails… Hmmmm…. Maybe I need to go redesign my site now. LOL..

    Anyhoo, I call her my Sweetie, so she can still call me hers. 🙂

  6. Well, blow my cover why dontcha baby? 😉

  7. Shouldn’t you be here rather than at school?

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