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Quality Education

Tuesday in Intro to Political Science, as I made a list of fake movie titles and plot lines, the rest of the class learned about the “Magna Carter“.  The professor even spelled it C-A-R-T-E-R.

I almost cried.

5 thoughts on “

  1. Isn’t Leary great? 

    About your class, that is sad, so sad.  my ethnic studies teacher couldn’t pronounce anything.  You’d think that after years of teaching this class she would learn to pronounce names of ethnic groups  . . .

  2. Sad isn’t it. Spell it like that in the exam and see how far you get. Oh how sweet academic appeals can be!

    Nyz xo:-)

  3. Ah yes, the Great Jimmy.  Largest dang peanut farmer I ever knew…..  hehehe  😀

  4. I thought her name was Linda Carter… and please don’t belittle the significance of the “Wonder Woman” TV show…

  5. The joys of a ‘quality’ egalitarian educational system – can you say/spell ARGGGGGGGHHHHH!

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