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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I’m going to post this due the incredible amount of email I got last night & this morning and then I am through with the whole thing.  I didn’t mention it on here other than a link in one post, but for the last week I was a participant in the savvyweaklink game.  Most of the people that read this blog knew that.  Some of them even posted on their own site about my participation to get people to read it and cast their votes for who they thought should win.

As for the criticism that I got, mostly from the game’s moderator I might add, I have been rather non-self-disclosing while in this game because I would much rather have my writing torn apart by these people than my real life.  I still feel like that was the best thing for me to do, though.  I didn’t start any new things on the site to shock people or stoop to “ratings week” type stunts.  The art and quotes stuff had been appearing sparatically since March, the “Print Shop” stuff took the place of the “Small Town Life” string I’d been working on, and the annoying things had been up before this all, too.  The only thing that really changed was that I tried to do less poetry and throw in one thing from each category daily.

I don’t care how callused you are, having people effectively screaming that they hate you or your work wears a person down, thus the reason that I don’t want to debate this for another week.  I have stayed up around the clock, sleeping basically 20 hours in the last week, trying to crank something out for this contest.  For all of the flack that I got about not being original and not posting anything of substance, I sure did put a lot of time and effort into it.

Yesterday’s voting post at SWL turning into a car wreck of sorts.  There were fake accounts created, double voting, name-calling, it was pretty gruesome.  I had noticed that throughout the game, however there were accounts that voted in the game that had never made an original public post.  Others voted for or against whoever voted for or against them the previous day.

I was watching yesterday as my lead of 10 to 4 slipped to 8, then to 12 and on.  Like I said, it was nasty at the end and I sent this email before logging off for 12 hours:


I do see integrity in you, as I told Erika yesterday. I’m glad if I go down in flames (I never knew how literally that would happen!) it’s to a nice guy.

As for the criticism, I have been pretty cloaked while in this because I didn’t want to have my LIFE torn apart by these people. As a result I get a “bubble gum” wrapper and people bitch about that. Oh well, it seems that my intention backfired anyway, because I’m getting raked over the coals for everyone else’s comments about me now.

I can’t keep reading all of this crap. It’s getting to damned ruthless. I wanted to get some constructive criticism on my writing and see what people REALLY thought about my ideas, quips, etc. I’d say I got both the good and bad sides of those opinions and that’s enough for me. I’m logging off now and I’ll check back in later. I don’t want to watch this turn in the direction it’s going of everyone bashing each other and using the voting place as a flame chat room.

I am, again, so sorry things got so fucking horrible on this, but I am proud to have lost to you, Ross. I’ll keep reading your blog and I wish you and Dee all of the best when the big move takes place.


Okay, with all of that said, a lot good did come of this.  I feel better about my work, as loose of a use of the term as some people believe that to be, and I did come into contact with people due to the game that I might not have otherwise.  So I will follow with a few words of thanks to some of those people.

Thanks to one of my oldest Xanga friends, leadcrow.  She was very supportive throughout the contest despite being friends with Argyle, too.  She kept reminding me not to get all upset and kept me laughing.  She also has a great blog that I have been reading since January.  She is very upfront and honest, which both gets respect from me and sends some running into the night.  You rock! 😀

Thanks to Nyree, who showed support here, on the SWL site with daily votes and on her own site.  I met her through the last game and she stayed with me through this.  She is starting her own contest soon and I think that she will be able to better run it after seeing all of bs in this round.  Good luck, Nyree!  Give it to ’em “Nyree Style”! 😉

Thanks to another ballsy chick, azure_mariposa.  Lots of support and much-needed laughs from this direction as well. Mwah! {v} Azure is as sweet as they come and I luvs her to pieces!

Thanks to Brandi, whom I have grown to respect for her stance on life as much as her writing and support.  This gal is a true example of making lemonade from the lemons dealt in life and I am glad to have met her through this massacre.

Other supporters of note are twirl_dawg, itsnomyth (another current contestant) and jermschmitt (who was also friends with Argyle), who were wonderful throughout and me feel that I was, in fact, reaching someone out there.  CelticBookWurm and scottishfyre, who though being contestants themselves, had lots of warm words for me.  (They both got robbed, by the way.)  These are two more blogs worth your time and reading.  MyxlDove has been another sweetie and is competing in the current round.  JackRabbitDaddy is a helluva funny guy and a big sweetie, too

Okay, I will thank everyone on his or her own turf after classes this morning, but I have to go and thank my biggest supporter ever for his role in this game.  He has listened to me yelling “WTF?” and put up with me crawling into bed at 7AM (or not at all) for the last week.  He wanted me to join soooo badly, but I think he is equally relieved that this is over.

And in accordance to prophecy, this post will have the eProps disabled, unfortunately I can’t leave comments on without them.  So PLEASE, this post was not made to be a eProp whoring kind of thing.  Feel free to say what you like, but don’t ‘prop it.  Go give those to these sweeties who have helped me keep my head on straight.

And last, but not, least, congrats to the winner, Argyle.  He was incredibly nice to me through this whole schpleal.  I wish him the best, and hope that his teddy bear fetish is over. 😉

Thanks to all of my readers.  Regardless of whether you wanted to vote or not (and I see more now than ever why you wouldn’t want to!) you do read my stuff and I’m glad that you enjoy it and keep coming back.

{v} to all, Jennifer (aka Swirly)

16 thoughts on “

  1. well I alway give 2 eprops to the people i subscribe to. Im not up on the politics of this game shit, but I’ve read your site before the game and i’m damn sure gonna read it in the future. I happen to like the variety that you post up here. And If you decide not to post personal information… more power to ya! Everyone’s weblog doesn’t have to be an online bitchfest! this isn’t soap opera online 2001 (is it?) well whatever. and for all those people who do flame, remember there are constructive ways to assist a person. I am ashamed to be a part of a community that insults a person all in the name of fun. And yes swirly, you’re getting 2 eprops because if I read your site, then you definately are worth it!

  2. I give E-props to you in accordance with prophecy. You write well and consistently make me laugh! You are a total winner in my eyes!

    Keep it up! 🙂

    Nyz xo:-)

  3. I respect your wishes in this (eprops).  I’m glad you posted.  I’ve avoided the SWL game like a disease, but recently some people have been posting how fun it is and how well mannered the players are. Apparently, only the winners feel that way.  I was thinking about looking it over, but thanks to your post, I will continue to stay as far away as possible.  I will continue to make a blog that I want to write, instead of what others want to read.

  4. i can’t help but give ya eProps babe…i’ve been givin’ ’em to ya for ages now, and i’m not gonna stop! EVER!! 😀 so, 😛 hehe

    i’m sorry you didn’t win, you truly deserved it…and i’m glad i didn’t play, nor will i ever…i’ve made up my mind for good, it’s an evil thing, and i can’t handle that much criticism…so, savvy, i canna do it, man…me ego canna take yourrrr crrrriticism…(those are rolling “r”s ppl…scottish style! ;-))

    take care, Swirly-girlie…you rock!! and don’t ever let anyone tell you different! 😉 {v} i wuvs ya too babe!

  5. in a tender moment like this, i have an obsessive tendency to find an appropriate pop culture reference. your particular observations beg for me to recite the all-important conclusion the computer Joshua makes in “War Games”:

    “interesting game. the only way to win is not to play.”

    I’m glad I took Joshua’s advice and never entered Savvy’s Weakest Link.

  6. Interesting that Juliet_A says that she stays away from SWL like the plague when she is the one who dared for people to start it. Hmmmmm. VERY interesting. 😉

    Anyhoo! I had no idea you were in that. I just loved your posts REGARDLESS. I would have voted for you, if I’d known! 🙂 You’re one of my favorite sites.

    Last night, I posted a link to your site, since you were my 2,500th visitor! Hee! 😀

    Girl, you’re great, and don’t let anyone else’s criticism change how you feel about your work. I MEAN IT!!!

    Let’s hope there isn’t any more Weak Links. It’s getting old anyway… I never even check it out anymore…

    The Duchess

  7. you were brave for doing that, the game as i’ve seen it has always been more about flaming than constructive criticism. you keep an excellent blog, original, funny, readable, good on the eye…this is definitely not a game about the best blog winning, (and i mean that as no slight to argyle, who runs an excellent blog also.) well done, and keep blogging. cheers! 🙂

  8. oh, here and have some eprops anyway. you deserve em even if you don’t want em 😀

  9. Oh, jen jen jen jen. I had no idea you felt this way, I would have been in tehre giving you praise all the way through, do you realise that I was so into your site, that I even went out and bought you a congrats prize? I was just about to send it off to ya here in a day and found out you didn’t win, but in my opinion. . .

    you did.

    Because expressing yourself is the surest way to be yourself. I’ve always enjoyed your site and I love the postcards you’ve sent me. out of all the people who said they would join in the postcard game, only two people sent me anything. you and loopdeloop.

    Considering I got over 45 msgs in email saying they would send something, I started to hope on seeing things in my mail box,

    when I started getting eprops at nevermore and inspiration got more attention because of it, I started gazing at my comments and props box, hoping….. praying….

    I’ve learned things along the way …. The battles may get lost, but the war continues on….

    I’m currently a member in teh game, but as you can see, before I even posted something on my site, someone started dogging my text size.

    I was hoping to get some constructive criticsm like you wanted. But I’m realizing it  may be worse then I thought.

    I’ve allready stated on the comments section at Severe, that I refuse to change my font for the same reason I don’t give into terrorists demands.

    When all is said and done, I will know only one thing.

    I had the courage to look people in the face, take what they could dish out…  and walked away a stronger person.

    smooches your always the best.

    And I don’t know what anyone is saying, you put alot of personal things in your log, people just don’t pay attention.

  10. Awww … *sniffles* you guys … {v}

  11. Babe, ya know you won.  The people I said were unhonorable have no response, simply because they know they were caught. 

    Cheaters never prosper.  Here, the true honorable person got the most respect from anyone.  And didn’t get the most up votes either…

    I have decided to hold my own competition.  It is going to be nothing as scathing as Riggedlink.  It is going to be fair constructive criticism, and no up/down votes. General mood will work for me just fine.

    So, I hereby announce signups for “The Black, The White, and The Gray of it.” A competition based on feedback.  Flames WILL be deleted.  Go see my site for further info 🙂

  12. I read your posting, and I thought you surely needed some support.  It’s nice to see lots of people thought the same thing. 

    I think you are the tops.  You post funny annoying tricks, you have incredible storytelling skills, and on occasion I can find some great artwork on here.

    Regarding SWL….


    I have never read the blog until I fatefully joined.  I am completely ignorant how these things play out.  I agree with Inspiration though…if someone’s going to vote down because of a font, well then…that’s their problem.

    I can also share your thoughts about posting life vs posting material.  I have been posting material, unless something happens that would make a good story.

    Then Savvy says I’m not accomplishing my objective.  😉

    We’re supposed to have an objective?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, because I don’t prop or comment nearly as much as I should.

    You rock!!

  13. I love your site…screw everyone else…to them, I say WTF?!? You always make me smile with your annoying tricks of the day. If I worked in an office with people other than myself, I’d do them all…have a great day!

  14. I thought that flames were nasty things on the web? I have come across many sites that warn against flaming someone. There is being critical of ones work or words and then there is just plain meaness.Why would anyone want to be flamed?  I have visited here often and I enjoy reading your posts.

  15. I’m a disobedient little bugger since I HAD to give eProps.  Although you said you didn’t want them, you deserve them. 

    I don’t want to get into the cheating aspect of this game.  I do want to let you know that of all the blogs I read during my “stay” at SWL, yours grew on me especially fast. 

    Swirly, you are an excellent writer.  To an extent you did remain cloaked here, but not fully.  The Print Shop Stories were a clever way to give us a peek at a small portion of your life.  Some people failed to recognize that, for some odd reason.  Also, you have to realize something.  A blog is comprised of things that generally appeal to us.  What is contained in these slices of the internet reflects our own personalities.  That’s something I realized while in the throes of this game.  You showed us that you are a person with a wide variety of interests and one capable of giving new life to the otherwise mundane aspects of life. It was (and still is, will be, etc.) always a joy to read your blog.  I’m glad to have come across you.  Though I have to admit, I found you originally from Gudkarma’s site just days before game start. 🙂

    Like others, I believe you to be a winner as well.  You played this game the way it should be played. 

    And I can’t thank you enough for those extremely kind words! Wow! (my cheeks are pink, honestly) What a sweetheart you are!

    See you around!

    {v} always, brandi

  16. Props just for going through all that!

    I would never have had the energy to put up with all the intrigue…

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