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House-Sitting Journal
Day 4, June 26th

09:46  I woke up, rushed to let dogs out before they peed inside.  Headache is gearing up.

09:48  Called Inter.Comm. professor to get final exam score and final grade for the class.

09:50  I got a 92 on the exam and a 90 for the class.  Woo-hoo!  An “A”!   Headache kicks it up a notch.

09:51  My jaw dropped as I heard that I got one of only two A’s for that course for the year.  I was utterly speechless.

09:52  Well, since I was utterly speechless, I hung up.

09:53  Threw in “As Good As It Gets”.

09:58  Pawing at back door reminds me that puppies have peed are ready to eat.  NOW.  Headache is blaring now.

10:06  Resume the movie.  Pain lessens.

11:46  *sniffle*  Jump in the shower and wake Gray up.

12:16  Lazily leave the shower after using all of the hot water in the neighborhood.  Headache lessens.

12:35  We hop in the car for UNCP.

13:00  His and hers therapy begins.  I see my guy, his sees his.  We meet afterwards and get lunch.

15:10  Back at our place, we start cleaning/packing.

15:50  Gray starts playing Allegiance.

17:50  I get on Xanga.  Pain is much worse, but is overpowered by the glow of eProps and Brandi’s site logo.

18:50  Gray coerces me off computer to take a nap and rest.

21:58  Gray finds time to write this blog.  He finishes another game of Allegiance, wakes me up and we head home.

22:40  Gray feeds puppies and I go to bed after popping two Excedrin Migraine.  I decide to take my chances on the daybed in the office instead of the Board of Sodomy Bed.

22:51  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

previous posts: IntroDay01, Day02, Day03.

7 thoughts on “

  1. a. good movie choice.
    b. impressive man you got there.
    c. you’re clearly quite a smart chick.
    d. what’s the “P” in UNC-P? I’ve been trying to figure this out for some time and can’t… asheville, wilmington, greensboro, chapel hill…. can’t think of a P…

  2. ah…{{{{{Swirly}}}}}

  3. congratulations on being very clever ! 🙂 and BANZAIIIIII!!!!!! 🙂

  4. Wow, my site logo is anti-headache! Keen! Mooch-ass Grassy-frass!

  5. yay on the test and stuff!

    now, snoop.

  6. An A!


    Go sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here!”

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