Posted on 13 Comments

Bad News

Well it seems that here at UNCP between the last day of summer session (today) and the first day of the fall semester (Aug. 20th) they roll up the street and lock all the doors.  That is to say, the computer lab is closed and off limits.  My only door to the virtual world is barred and guarded by the Pembroke Police Department.  What a sad, sad state of events.

I have been rather remiss in my duties here due to an incredibly demanding move, a back injury and a Sociology Concepts course that I finished today.  I might add that the new apartment is wonderful, the back is better and the final grade for SOC 201 was a 95.

As I type this very message the UNCP policeman is standing at the door waiting to lock it up for three weeks.  Tears streaming down my face, I will make him wait until this is done. *sniff*

I have missed and will continue to miss you dear Xangans, but I vow to return with fervor as soon as this obstruction of justice is lifted.  Have a great August and in the words of Arnold, “I’ll be back!”

13 thoughts on “

  1. We’ll miss you!

  2. (((((Swirly)))))

  3. how about the public library?

  4. I hope you come back!  I have only recently found your blog and have really enjoyed your writing and getting to know a little about you.

    Congrats on that 95.

  5. *sobs uncontrollably*

    Please…for the love of Elvis…find a computer!!!!!

    Nyz xo

  6. Oh no!

    Well, if you find another computer we’ll be very glad to hear from you; if not: just enjoy yourself, ok?

    Congrats on the 95!

  7. She’s been e-napped again!!!  Call the police!

    Oh wait…the police e-napped her this time…

    Call Interpol!!!

  8. We’ll be here waiting!

  9. Darn, if I would have known in time I would have sent you my handcuffs. You could have chained yourself to the computer as a protest. Well I hope withdrawals aren’t too severe. Enjoy the end of summer. 

  10. {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}} i will miss you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!
    hey, can i still call if i need a dose of swirly??

  11. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  12. *sniff* Two more weeks!

    Well, I’ve been gone for a week, so I’ll just have to ration out your posts that I haven’t read yet.  It will be almost like you were posting daily. 🙂

  13. Okay, so you FOUND a computer? Does that mean you’re STAYING?


    The Duchess

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