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Dealing with my ex-husband’s bullshit makes me appreciate the wonderful man in my life now.

Jason, the ex, is such an immature little boy.  He thinks everyone can be scared or controlled.  He knows nothing of honor, responsibility or respect.

Gray, my fiancee, knows how to be a stand-up man – strong against adversity and loving towards me.  He takes over when things are out of control and makes sure to support, comfort and congratulate me.

Thank God for decent men.

8 thoughts on “

  1. Thank you baby.  He is a little boy wanting to play dress up. 

    I love you 🙂

  2. yes, thank God for them…for without them, i would have turned to women ages ago! (um…ok, maybe not…but still…you get my point! )

  3. Seems you’ve had the bad and have now got the good! I have one thing to say:


    You two are so sweet. I’m sure you’ll make a lovely married couple one of these days! YAY!

    Nyz xo

  4. I really enjoyed looking around…see you soon

  5. Well…if you happen to find another one…seeing as though you already have one, would you mind sending the extra to me?  I don’t think I’ve ever really met one other than my Daddy…and that’s just…ew…icky. lol

  6. You are so right, Swirly.  My ex is an absolute emotional bottom-feeder….and sometimes prying them off can be nigh unto impossible.  Glad you did it, and found one worth keeping!

  7. It’s funny how I know a lot of guys named Jason, dated one, loved another.. and they’ve all been idiots.. I guess we all have our bad points.

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